Add listing commands

This commit is contained in:
Noikoio 2019-06-02 17:50:31 -07:00
parent 25901b0d2e
commit d53944818c
4 changed files with 246 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Class BirthdayBot
Private ReadOnly _dispatchCommands As Dictionary(Of String, CommandHandler)
Private ReadOnly _cmdsUser As UserCommands
Private ReadOnly _cmdsListing As ListingCommands
Private ReadOnly _cmdsHelp As HelpInfoCommands
Private ReadOnly _cmdsMods As ManagerCommands
@ -40,6 +41,10 @@ Class BirthdayBot
For Each item In _cmdsUser.Commands
_dispatchCommands.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2)
_cmdsListing = New ListingCommands(Me, conf)
For Each item In _cmdsListing.Commands
_dispatchCommands.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2)
_cmdsHelp = New HelpInfoCommands(Me, conf, DiscordClient)
For Each item In _cmdsHelp.Commands
_dispatchCommands.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2)

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@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
<Company />
<Description>Discord bot for birthday reminders.</Description>

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@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ Friend Class HelpInfoCommands
.Value =
$"{cpfx}help`, `{CommandPrefix}info`, `{CommandPrefix}help-tzdata`" + vbLf +
$" » Help and informational messages." + vbLf +
$"{cpfx}recent` and `{CommandPrefix}upcoming`" + vbLf +
$" » Lists recent and upcoming birthdays." + vbLf +
$"{cpfx}set (date) [zone]`" + vbLf +
$" » Registers your birth date. Time zone is optional." + vbLf +
$" »» Examples: `{CommandPrefix}set jan-31`, `{CommandPrefix}set 15-aug America/Los_Angeles`." + vbLf +
@ -50,6 +52,8 @@ Friend Class HelpInfoCommands
.Value =
$"{cpfx}config`" + vbLf +
$" » Edit bot configuration. See `{CommandPrefix}help-config`." + vbLf +
$"{cpfx}list`" + vbLf +
$" » Exports all known birthdays to file." + vbLf +
$"{cpfx}override (user ping or ID) (command w/ parameters)`" + vbLf +
" » Perform certain commands on behalf of another user."

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@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports Discord.WebSocket
''' <summary>
''' Commands for listing upcoming and all birthdays.
''' </summary>
Class ListingCommands
Inherits CommandsCommon
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Commands As IEnumerable(Of (String, CommandHandler))
Return New List(Of (String, CommandHandler)) From {
("list", AddressOf CmdList),
("upcoming", AddressOf CmdUpcoming),
("recent", AddressOf CmdUpcoming)
End Get
End Property
Sub New(inst As BirthdayBot, db As Configuration)
MyBase.New(inst, db)
End Sub
' Creates a file with all birthdays.
Private Async Function CmdList(param As String(), reqChannel As SocketTextChannel, reqUser As SocketGuildUser) As Task
' For now, we're restricting this command to moderators only. This may turn into an option later.
Dim reqMod As Boolean
SyncLock Instance.KnownGuilds
reqMod = Instance.KnownGuilds(reqChannel.Guild.Id).IsUserModerator(reqUser)
End SyncLock
If Not reqMod Then
Await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Only bot moderators may use this command.")
End If
Dim bdlist = Await BuildList(reqChannel.Guild, False)
Dim filepath = Path.GetTempPath() + "birthdaybot-" + reqChannel.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".txt"
Using f = File.CreateText(filepath)
f.WriteLine("Birthdays in " + reqChannel.Guild.Name)
For Each item In bdlist
Dim user = reqChannel.Guild.GetUser(item.UserId)
If user Is Nothing Then Continue For ' User disappeared in the instant between getting list and processing
f.Write($"● {MonthNames(item.BirthMonth)}-{item.BirthDay.ToString("00")}: ")
f.Write(" " + user.Username + "#" + user.Discriminator)
If user.Nickname IsNot Nothing Then
f.Write(" - Nickname: " + user.Nickname)
End If
Await f.FlushAsync()
End Using
Await reqChannel.SendFileAsync(filepath, $"Exported {bdlist.Count} birthdays to file.")
Catch ex As Discord.Net.HttpException
reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Unable to send list due to a permissions issue. Check the 'Attach Files' permission.").Wait()
Catch ex As Exception
Log("Listing", ex.ToString())
reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":x: An internal error occurred. It has been reported to the bot owner.").Wait()
End Try
End Function
' "Recent and upcoming birthdays"
' The 'recent' bit removes time zone ambiguity and spares us from extra time zone processing here
Private Async Function CmdUpcoming(param As String(), reqChannel As SocketTextChannel, reqUser As SocketGuildUser) As Task
Dim now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow
Dim search = DateIndex(now.Month, now.Day) - 4 ' begin search 4 days prior to current date UTC
If search <= 0 Then search = 366 - Math.Abs(search)
Dim query = Await BuildList(reqChannel.Guild, True)
If query.Count = 0 Then
Await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync("There are currently no recent or upcoming birthdays.")
End If
Dim output As New StringBuilder()
output.AppendLine("Recent and upcoming birthdays:")
For count = 1 To 11 ' cover 11 days total (3 prior, current day, 7 upcoming
Dim results = From item In query
Where item.DateIndex = search
Select item
' push up search by 1 now, in case we back out early
search += 1
If search > 366 Then search = 1 ' wrap to beginning of year
If results.Count = 0 Then Continue For ' back out early
' Build sorted name list
Dim names As New List(Of String)
For Each item In results
Dim first = True
output.Append($"● `{MonthNames(results(0).BirthMonth)}-{results(0).BirthDay.ToString("00")}`: ")
For Each item In names
If first Then
first = False
output.Append(", ")
End If
Await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(output.ToString())
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Fetches all guild birthdays and places them into an easily usable structure.
''' Users currently not in the guild are not included in the result.
''' </summary>
Private Async Function BuildList(guild As SocketGuild, escapeFormat As Boolean) As Task(Of List(Of ListItem))
Dim ping As Boolean
SyncLock Instance.KnownGuilds
ping = Instance.KnownGuilds(guild.Id).AnnouncePing
End SyncLock
Using db = Await BotConfig.DatabaseSettings.OpenConnectionAsync()
Using c = db.CreateCommand()
c.CommandText = "select user_id, birth_month, birth_day from " + GuildUserSettings.BackingTable +
" where guild_id = @Gid order by birth_month, birth_day"
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = guild.Id
Using r = Await c.ExecuteReaderAsync()
Dim result As New List(Of ListItem)
While Await r.ReadAsync()
Dim id = CULng(r.GetInt64(0))
Dim month = r.GetInt32(1)
Dim day = r.GetInt32(2)
Dim guildUser = guild.GetUser(id)
If guildUser Is Nothing Then Continue While ' Skip users not in guild
result.Add(New ListItem With {
.BirthMonth = month,
.BirthDay = day,
.DateIndex = DateIndex(month, day),
.UserId = guildUser.Id,
.DisplayName = FormatName(guildUser, False)
End While
Return result
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Function
Private Function DateIndex(month As Integer, day As Integer) As Integer
DateIndex = 0
' Add month offset
If month > 1 Then DateIndex += 31 ' Offset January
If month > 2 Then DateIndex += 29 ' Offset February (incl. leap day)
If month > 3 Then DateIndex += 31 ' etc
If month > 4 Then DateIndex += 30
If month > 5 Then DateIndex += 31
If month > 6 Then DateIndex += 30
If month > 7 Then DateIndex += 31
If month > 8 Then DateIndex += 31
If month > 9 Then DateIndex += 30
If month > 10 Then DateIndex += 31
If month > 11 Then DateIndex += 30
DateIndex += day
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Translate from date index value to readable date.
''' </summary>
Private Function FromDateIndex(ByVal index As Integer) As String
' oh no...
FromDateIndex = "Jan"
If index > 31 Then
index -= 31
FromDateIndex = "Feb"
End If
If index > 29 Then
index -= 29
FromDateIndex = "Mar"
End If
If index > 31 Then
index -= 31
FromDateIndex = "Apr"
End If
If index > 30 Then
index -= 30
FromDateIndex = "May"
End If
If index > 31 Then
index -= 31
FromDateIndex = "Jun"
End If
If index > 30 Then
index -= 30
FromDateIndex = "Jul"
End If
If index > 31 Then
index -= 31
FromDateIndex = "Aug"
End If
If index > 31 Then
index -= 31
FromDateIndex = "Sep"
End If
If index > 30 Then
index -= 30
FromDateIndex = "Oct"
End If
If index > 31 Then
index -= 31
FromDateIndex = "Nov"
End If
If index > 30 Then
index -= 30
FromDateIndex = "Dec"
End If
FromDateIndex += " " + index.ToString("00")
End Function
Private Structure ListItem
Public Property DateIndex As Integer
Public Property BirthMonth As Integer
Public Property BirthDay As Integer
Public Property UserId As ULong
Public Property DisplayName As String
End Structure
End Class