Add birthday setting commands

This commit is contained in:
Noi 2022-02-23 20:33:24 -08:00
parent b1af7922af
commit edec3134be
2 changed files with 73 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
using Discord.Interactions;
namespace BirthdayBot.ApplicationCommands;
[Group("birthday", "Commands relating to birthdays.")]
public class BirthdayModule : BotModuleBase {
public const string HelpRemove = "Removes your birthday information from this bot.";
[Group("set", "Subcommands for setting birthday information.")]
public class SubCmdsBirthdaySet : BotModuleBase {
public const string HelpSetBday = "Sets or updates your birthday.";
public const string HelpSetZone = "Sets or updates your time zone, when your birthday is already set.";
[SlashCommand("date", HelpSetBday)]
public async Task CmdSetBday([Summary(description: HelpOptDate)] string date,
[Summary(description: HelpOptPfxOptional + HelpOptZone)] string? zone = null) {
int inmonth, inday;
try {
(inmonth, inday) = ParseDate(date);
} catch (FormatException e) {
// Our parse method's FormatException has its message to send out to Discord.
await RespondAsync(e.Message, ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
string? inzone = null;
if (zone != null) {
try {
inzone = ParseTimeZone(zone);
} catch (FormatException e) {
await ReplyAsync(e.Message).ConfigureAwait(false);
var user = await Context.GetGuildUserConfAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await user.UpdateAsync(inmonth, inday, inzone ?? user.TimeZone).ConfigureAwait(false);
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Your birthday has been set to **{FormatDate(inmonth, inday)}**" +
(inzone == null ? "" : $", with time zone {inzone}") + ".");
[SlashCommand("zone", HelpSetZone)]
public async Task CmdSetZone([Summary(description: HelpOptZone)] string zone) {
var user = await Context.GetGuildUserConfAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!user.IsKnown) {
await RespondAsync(":x: You must first set your birthday to use this command.", ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
string inzone;
try {
inzone = ParseTimeZone(zone);
} catch (FormatException e) {
await RespondAsync(e.Message, ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
await user.UpdateAsync(user.BirthMonth, user.BirthDay, inzone).ConfigureAwait(false);
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Your time zone has been set to **{inzone}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[SlashCommand("remove", HelpRemove)]
public async Task CmdRemove() {
var user = await Context.GetGuildUserConfAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (user.IsKnown) {
await user.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: Your information for this server has been removed.");
} else {
await RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: This bot already does not have your birthday for this server.");

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@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
using BirthdayBot.Data;
namespace BirthdayBot.ApplicationCommands;
internal class RegistrationCommands : BotApplicationCommand {
#region Help strings
public const string HelpSet = "Sets or updates your birthday.";
public const string HelpZone = "Sets or updates your time zone. For use only if you have already set a birthday.";
public const string HelpZoneDel = "Removes your time zone information from the bot.";
public const string HelpDel = "Removes your birthday information from the bot.";
const string MsgNoData = "This bot does not have your birthday information for this server.";
public override IEnumerable<ApplicationCommandProperties> GetCommands() => new ApplicationCommandProperties[] {
new SlashCommandBuilder()
.AddOption("date", ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, HelpOptDate, isRequired: true)
new SlashCommandBuilder()
.AddOption("zone", ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, HelpOptZone, isRequired: true)
new SlashCommandBuilder()
.AddOption("zone", ApplicationCommandOptionType.String, HelpOptZone, isRequired: true)
new SlashCommandBuilder()
public override CommandResponder? GetHandlerFor(string commandName) => commandName switch {
"set-birthday" => CmdSetBirthday,
"set-timezone" => CmdSetTimezone,
"remove-timezone" => CmdDelTz,
"remove-birthday" => CmdDelBd,
_ => null
// Note that the following subcommands have largely been copied to RegistrationOverrideCommands.
// Any changes made here should be reflected there, if appropriate.
private static async Task CmdSetBirthday(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, SocketSlashCommand arg) {
int inmonth, inday;
try {
(inmonth, inday) = ParseDate((string)arg.Data.Options.First().Value);
} catch (FormatException e) {
// Our parse method's FormatException has its message to send out to Discord.
bool known;
try {
var user = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(gconf.GuildId, arg.User.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
known = user.IsKnown;
await user.UpdateAsync(inmonth, inday, user.TimeZone).ConfigureAwait(false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Program.Log("Error", ex.ToString());
await arg.RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: Your birthday has been " +
$"{ (known ? "updated to" : "recorded as") } **{inday:00}-{Common.MonthNames[inmonth]}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
private static async Task CmdSetTimezone(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, SocketSlashCommand arg) {
var user = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(gconf.GuildId, arg.User.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!user.IsKnown) {
await arg.RespondAsync(":x: You must have a birthday set before you can use this command.",
ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false);
bool hasZone = user.TimeZone != null;
string inZone;
try {
inZone = ParseTimeZone((string)arg.Data.Options.First().Value);
} catch (Exception e) {
await user.UpdateAsync(user.BirthMonth, user.BirthDay, inZone).ConfigureAwait(false);
await arg.RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Your time zone has been { (hasZone ? "updated" : "set") } to **{inZone}**.")
private static async Task CmdDelTz(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, SocketSlashCommand arg) {
var u = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(gconf.GuildId, arg.User.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!u.IsKnown) {
await arg.RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: " + MsgNoData);
} else if (u.TimeZone is null) {
await arg.RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: You do not have any time zone information.");
} else {
await u.UpdateAsync(u.BirthMonth, u.BirthDay, null);
await arg.RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: Your time zone information has been removed.");
private static async Task CmdDelBd(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, SocketSlashCommand arg) {
var u = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(gconf.GuildId, arg.User.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (u.IsKnown) {
await u.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
await arg.RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: Your birthday information has been removed.");
} else {
await arg.RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: " + MsgNoData);