using BirthdayBot.Data; using Discord.WebSocket; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace BirthdayBot.UserInterface { internal class UserCommands : CommandsCommon { public UserCommands(Configuration db) : base(db) { } public override IEnumerable<(string, CommandHandler)> Commands => new List<(string, CommandHandler)>() { ("set", CmdSet), ("zone", CmdZone), ("remove", CmdRemove) }; #region Date parsing const string FormatError = ":x: Unrecognized date format. The following formats are accepted, as examples: " + "`15-jan`, `jan-15`, `15 jan`, `jan 15`, `15 January`, `January 15`."; private static readonly Regex DateParse1 = new Regex(@"^(?\d{1,2})[ -](?[A-Za-z]+)$", RegexOptions.Compiled); private static readonly Regex DateParse2 = new Regex(@"^(?[A-Za-z]+)[ -](?\d{1,2})$", RegexOptions.Compiled); /// /// Parses a date input. /// /// Tuple: month, day /// /// Thrown for any parsing issue. Reason is expected to be sent to Discord as-is. /// private (int, int) ParseDate(string dateInput) { var m = DateParse1.Match(dateInput); if (!m.Success) { // Flip the fields around, try again m = DateParse2.Match(dateInput); if (!m.Success) throw new FormatException(FormatError); } int day, month; string monthVal; try { day = int.Parse(m.Groups["day"].Value); } catch (FormatException) { throw new Exception(FormatError); } monthVal = m.Groups["month"].Value; int dayUpper; // upper day of month check (month, dayUpper) = GetMonth(monthVal); if (day == 0 || day > dayUpper) throw new FormatException(":x: The date you specified is not a valid calendar date."); return (month, day); } /// /// Returns information for a given month input. /// /// /// Tuple: Month value, upper limit of days in the month /// /// Thrown on error. Send out to Discord as-is. /// private (int, int) GetMonth(string input) { switch (input.ToLower()) { case "jan": case "january": return (1, 31); case "feb": case "february": return (2, 29); case "mar": case "march": return (3, 31); case "apr": case "april": return (4, 30); case "may": return (5, 31); case "jun": case "june": return (6, 30); case "jul": case "july": return (7, 31); case "aug": case "august": return (8, 31); case "sep": case "september": return (9, 30); case "oct": case "october": return (10, 31); case "nov": case "november": return (11, 30); case "dec": case "december": return (12, 31); default: throw new FormatException($":x: Can't determine month name `{input}`. Check your spelling and try again."); } } #endregion #region Documentation public static readonly CommandDocumentation DocSet = new CommandDocumentation(new string[] { "set (date) [zone]" }, "Registers your birth date. Time zone is optional.", $"`{CommandPrefix}set jan-31`, `{CommandPrefix}set 15-aug America/Los_Angeles`."); public static readonly CommandDocumentation DocZone = new CommandDocumentation(new string[] { "zone (zone)" }, "Sets your local time zone. " + $"See also `{CommandPrefix}help-tzdata`.", null); public static readonly CommandDocumentation DocRemove = new CommandDocumentation(new string[] { "remove" }, "Removes your birthday information from this bot.", null); #endregion private async Task CmdSet(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) { // Requires *some* parameter. if (param.Length < 2) { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(ParameterError, embed: DocSet.UsageEmbed).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } // Date format accepts spaces, and then we look for an additional parameter. // This is weird. Gotta compensate. var fullinput = ""; for (int i = 1; i < param.Length; i++) { fullinput += " " + param[i]; } fullinput = fullinput[1..]; // Attempt to get last "parameter"; check if it's a time zone value string timezone = null; var fli = fullinput.LastIndexOf(' '); if (fli != -1) { var tzstring = fullinput[(fli+1)..]; try { timezone = ParseTimeZone(tzstring); // If we got here, last parameter was indeed a time zone. Trim it away for what comes next. fullinput = fullinput[0..fli]; } catch (FormatException) { } // Was not a time zone name. Do nothing. } int bmonth, bday; try { (bmonth, bday) = ParseDate(fullinput); } catch (FormatException ex) { // Our parse method's FormatException has its message to send out to Discord. reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(ex.Message, embed: DocSet.UsageEmbed).Wait(); return; } // Parsing successful. Update user information. bool known; // Extra detail: Bot's response changes if the user was previously unknown. try { var user = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(gconf.GuildId, reqUser.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); known = user.IsKnown; await user.UpdateAsync(bmonth, bday, timezone).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.Log("Error", ex.ToString()); // TODO webhook report reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(InternalError).Wait(); return; } if (known) { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Your information has been updated.") .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Your birthday has been recorded.") .ConfigureAwait(false); } } private async Task CmdZone(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) { if (param.Length != 2) { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(ParameterError, embed: DocZone.UsageEmbed).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var user = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(gconf.GuildId, reqUser.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!user.IsKnown) { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You may only update your time zone when you have a birthday registered." + $" Refer to the `{CommandPrefix}set` command.", embed: DocZone.UsageEmbed) .ConfigureAwait(false); return; } string btz; try { btz = ParseTimeZone(param[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(ex.Message, embed: DocZone.UsageEmbed).Wait(); return; } await user.UpdateAsync(user.BirthMonth, user.BirthDay, btz).ConfigureAwait(false); await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync($":white_check_mark: Your time zone has been updated to **{btz}**.") .ConfigureAwait(false); } private async Task CmdRemove(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) { // Parameter count check if (param.Length != 1) { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(NoParameterError, embed: DocRemove.UsageEmbed).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } // Extra detail: Send a notification if the user isn't actually known by the bot. bool known; var u = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(gconf.GuildId, reqUser.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); known = u.IsKnown; await u.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!known) { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: This bot already does not contain your information.") .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Your information has been removed.") .ConfigureAwait(false); } } } }