using BirthdayBot.Data; using Discord; using Discord.WebSocket; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace BirthdayBot.UserInterface { internal class HelpInfoCommands : CommandsCommon { private readonly Embed _helpEmbed; private readonly Embed _helpConfigEmbed; public HelpInfoCommands(Configuration cfg) : base(cfg) { var embeds = BuildHelpEmbeds(); _helpEmbed = embeds.Item1; _helpConfigEmbed = embeds.Item2; } public override IEnumerable<(string, CommandHandler)> Commands => new List<(string, CommandHandler)>() { ("help", CmdHelp), ("help-config", CmdHelpConfig), ("helpconfig", CmdHelpConfig), ("help-tzdata", CmdHelpTzdata), ("helptzdata", CmdHelpTzdata), ("help-message", CmdHelpMessage), ("helpmessage", CmdHelpMessage), ("info", CmdInfo), ("about", CmdInfo), ("invite", CmdInfo) }; private static (Embed, Embed) BuildHelpEmbeds() { var cpfx = $"●`{CommandPrefix}"; // Normal section var cmdField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Commands", Value = $"{cpfx}help`, `{CommandPrefix}info`, `{CommandPrefix}help-tzdata`\n" + $" » Help and informational messages.\n" + ListingCommands.DocUpcoming.Export() + "\n" + UserCommands.DocSet.Export() + "\n" + UserCommands.DocZone.Export() + "\n" + UserCommands.DocRemove.Export() + "\n" + ListingCommands.DocWhen.Export() }; var cmdModField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Moderator actions", Value = $"{cpfx}config`\n" + $" » Edit bot configuration. See `{CommandPrefix}help-config`.\n" + ListingCommands.DocList.Export() + "\n" + ManagerCommands.DocOverride.Export() }; var helpRegular = new EmbedBuilder().AddField(cmdField).AddField(cmdModField); // Manager section var mpfx = cpfx + "config "; var configField1 = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Basic settings", Value = $"{mpfx}role (role name or ID)`\n" + " » Sets the role to apply to users having birthdays.\n" + $"{mpfx}channel (channel name or ID)`\n" + " » Sets the announcement channel. Leave blank to disable.\n" + $"{mpfx}message (message)`, `{CommandPrefix}config messagepl (message)`\n" + $" » Sets a custom announcement message. See `{CommandPrefix}help-message`.\n" + $"{mpfx}ping (off|on)`\n" + $" » Sets whether to ping the respective users in the announcement message.\n" + $"{mpfx}zone (time zone name)`\n" + $" » Sets the default server time zone. See `{CommandPrefix}help-tzdata`." }; var configField2 = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Access management", Value = $"{mpfx}modrole (role name, role ping, or ID)`\n" + " » Establishes a role for bot moderators. Grants access to `bb.config` and `bb.override`.\n" + $"{mpfx}block/unblock (user ping or ID)`\n" + " » Prevents or allows usage of bot commands to the given user.\n" + $"{mpfx}moderated on/off`\n" + " » Prevents or allows using commands for all members excluding moderators." }; var helpConfig = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = $"{CommandPrefix} config subcommands" }, Description = "All the following subcommands are only usable by moderators and server managers." }.AddField(configField1).AddField(configField2); return (helpRegular.Build(), helpConfig.Build()); } private async Task CmdHelp(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) => await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: _helpEmbed).ConfigureAwait(false); private async Task CmdHelpConfig(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) => await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: _helpConfigEmbed).ConfigureAwait(false); private async Task CmdHelpTzdata(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) { const string tzhelp = "You may specify a time zone in order to have your birthday recognized with respect to your local time. " + "This bot only accepts zone names from the IANA Time Zone Database (a.k.a. Olson Database).\n\n" + "To find your zone:" + "\n" + "Interactive map:" + "\n" + "Complete list:"; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Time Zone Support", Value = tzhelp }); await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); } private async Task CmdHelpMessage(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) { const string msghelp = "The `message` and `messagepl` subcommands allow for editing the message sent into the announcement " + "channel (defined with `{0}config channel`). This feature is separated across two commands:\n" + "●`{0}config message`\n" + "●`{0}config messagepl`\n" + "The first command sets the message to be displayed when *one* user is having a birthday. The second command sets the " + "message for when *two or more* users are having birthdays ('pl' means plural). If only one of the two custom messages " + "are defined, it will be used for both cases.\n\n" + "To further allow customization, you may place the token `%n` in your message to specify where the name(s) should appear.\n" + "Leave the parameter blank to clear or reset the message to its default value."; const string msghelp2 = "As examples, these are the default announcement messages used by this bot:\n" + "`message`: {0}\n" + "`messagepl`: {1}"; var embed = new EmbedBuilder().AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Custom announcement message", Value = string.Format(msghelp, CommandPrefix) }).AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Examples", Value = string.Format(msghelp2, BackgroundServices.BirthdayRoleUpdate.DefaultAnnounce, BackgroundServices.BirthdayRoleUpdate.DefaultAnnouncePl) }); await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); } private async Task CmdInfo(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser) { var strStats = new StringBuilder(); var asmnm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName(); strStats.AppendLine("BirthdayBot v" + asmnm.Version.ToString(3)); //strStats.AppendLine("Server count: " + Discord.Guilds.Count.ToString()); // TODO restore this statistic strStats.AppendLine("Shard #" + instance.ShardId.ToString("00")); strStats.AppendLine("Uptime: " + Common.BotUptime); // TODO fun stats // current birthdays, total names registered, unique time zones var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = "Thank you for using Birthday Bot!", IconUrl = instance.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl() }, // TODO this message needs an overhaul Description = "For more information regarding support, data retention, privacy, and other details, please refer to: " + "" + "\n\n" + "This bot is provided for free, without any paywalled 'premium' features. " + "If you've found this bot useful, please consider contributing via the " + "bot author's page on Ko-fi:" }.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Statistics", Value = strStats.ToString() }); await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); } } }