using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace BirthdayBot.BackgroundServices { class GuildStatistics : BackgroundService { private static readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient(); public GuildStatistics(BirthdayBot instance) : base(instance) { } public async override Task OnTick() { var counts = GetGuildCounts(); // Build this report int goodCount = 0; int badCount = 0; int goodShards = 0; int badShards = 0; foreach (var status in counts) { if (status.Item2.ShardConnected) { goodShards++; goodCount += status.Item2.GuildCount; } else { badShards++; badCount += status.Item2.GuildCount; } } Log($"{goodShards} shard(s) connected, serving {goodCount} guild(s)."); if (badShards != 0) Log($"{badShards} shard(s) unavailable, >={badCount} guild(s) will not count in the next report."); // Report only connected shards (to not have fluctuating member numbers on initial startup) await SendExternalStatistics(counts.Where(t => t.Item2.ShardConnected), counts.Count()); } private struct ShardStatus { public bool ShardConnected; public int GuildCount; } private IEnumerable<(int, ShardStatus)> GetGuildCounts() { var results = new List<(int, ShardStatus)>(); var shards = BotInstance.DiscordClient.Shards; foreach (var shard in shards) { results.Add((shard.ShardId, new ShardStatus() { ShardConnected = shard.ConnectionState == Discord.ConnectionState.Connected, GuildCount = shard.Guilds.Count })); } return results; } /// /// Send statistical information to external services. /// async Task SendExternalStatistics(IEnumerable<(int, ShardStatus)> shardStats, int totalShards) { var dbotsToken = BotInstance.Config.DBotsToken; if (dbotsToken != null) { const string dBotsApiUrl = "{0}/stats"; const string Body = "{{ \"shardCount\": {0}, \"shardId\": {1}, \"guildCount\": {2} }}"; var uri = new Uri(string.Format(dBotsApiUrl, BotInstance.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id)); foreach (var shard in shardStats) { var post = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, uri); post.Headers.Add("Authorization", dbotsToken); var data = string.Format(Body, totalShards, shard.Item1, shard.Item2.GuildCount); post.Content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); await Task.Delay(80); // Discord Bots rate limit for this endpoint is 20 per second await _httpClient.SendAsync(post); Log("Discord Bots: Reports sent successfully."); } } } } }