using BirthdayBot.Data; using Discord.Interactions; using System.Text; namespace BirthdayBot.ApplicationCommands; [RequireContext(ContextType.Guild)] [Group("birthday", HelpCmdBirthday)] public class BirthdayModule : BotModuleBase { public const string HelpCmdBirthday = "Commands relating to birthdays."; public const string HelpCmdSetDate = "Sets or updates your birthday."; public const string HelpCmdSetZone = "Sets or updates your time zone if your birthday is already set."; public const string HelpCmdRemove = "Removes your birthday information from this bot."; public const string HelpCmdGet = "Gets a user's birthday."; public const string HelpCmdNearest = "Get a list of users who recently had or will have a birthday."; public const string HelpCmdExport = "Generates a text file with all known and available birthdays."; // Note that these methods have largely been copied to BirthdayOverrideModule. Changes here should be reflected there as needed. [Group("set", "Subcommands for setting birthday information.")] public class SubCmdsBirthdaySet : BotModuleBase { [SlashCommand("date", HelpCmdSetDate)] public async Task CmdSetBday([Summary(description: HelpOptDate)] string date, [Summary(description: HelpOptZone)] string? zone = null) { int inmonth, inday; try { (inmonth, inday) = ParseDate(date); } catch (FormatException e) { // Our parse method's FormatException has its message to send out to Discord. await RespondAsync(e.Message, ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } string? inzone = null; if (zone != null) { try { inzone = ParseTimeZone(zone); } catch (FormatException e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } } var user = await ((SocketGuildUser)Context.User).GetConfigAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await user.UpdateAsync(inmonth, inday, inzone ?? user.TimeZone).ConfigureAwait(false); await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Your birthday has been set to **{FormatDate(inmonth, inday)}**" + (inzone == null ? "" : $", with time zone {inzone}") + ".").ConfigureAwait(false); } [SlashCommand("timezone", HelpCmdSetZone)] public async Task CmdSetZone([Summary(description: HelpOptZone)] string zone) { var user = await ((SocketGuildUser)Context.User).GetConfigAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!user.IsKnown) { await RespondAsync(":x: You do not have a birthday set.", ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } string inzone; try { inzone = ParseTimeZone(zone); } catch (FormatException e) { await RespondAsync(e.Message, ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await user.UpdateAsync(user.BirthMonth, user.BirthDay, inzone).ConfigureAwait(false); await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Your time zone has been set to **{inzone}**.").ConfigureAwait(false); } } [SlashCommand("remove", HelpCmdRemove)] public async Task CmdRemove() { var user = await ((SocketGuildUser)Context.User).GetConfigAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (user.IsKnown) { await user.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: Your birthday in this server has been removed.") .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: Your birthday is not registered.") .ConfigureAwait(false); } } [SlashCommand("get", "Gets a user's birthday.")] public async Task CmdGetBday([Summary(description: "Optional: The user's birthday to look up.")] SocketGuildUser? user = null) { var self = user is null; if (self) user = (SocketGuildUser)Context.User; var targetdata = await user!.GetConfigAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!targetdata.IsKnown) { if (self) await RespondAsync(":x: You do not have your birthday registered.", ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false); else await RespondAsync(":x: The given user does not have their birthday registered.", ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await RespondAsync($"{Common.FormatName(user!, false)}: `{FormatDate(targetdata.BirthMonth, targetdata.BirthDay)}`" + (targetdata.TimeZone == null ? "" : $" - {targetdata.TimeZone}")).ConfigureAwait(false); } // "Recent and upcoming birthdays" // The 'recent' bit removes time zone ambiguity and spares us from extra time zone processing here // TODO stop being lazy [SlashCommand("show-nearest", HelpCmdNearest)] public async Task CmdShowNearest() { if (!await HasMemberCacheAsync(Context.Guild).ConfigureAwait(false)) { await RespondAsync(MemberCacheEmptyError, ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; var search = DateIndex(now.Month, now.Day) - 8; // begin search 8 days prior to current date UTC if (search <= 0) search = 366 - Math.Abs(search); var query = await GetSortedUsersAsync(Context.Guild).ConfigureAwait(false); // TODO pagination instead of this workaround bool hasOutputOneLine = false; // First output is shown as an interaction response, followed then as regular channel messages async Task doOutput(string msg) { if (!hasOutputOneLine) { await RespondAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false); hasOutputOneLine = true; } else { await ReplyAsync(msg).ConfigureAwait(false); } } var output = new StringBuilder(); var resultCount = 0; output.AppendLine("Recent and upcoming birthdays:"); for (int count = 0; count <= 21; count++) // cover 21 days total (7 prior, current day, 14 upcoming) { var results = from item in query where item.DateIndex == search select item; // push up search by 1 now, in case we back out early search += 1; if (search > 366) search = 1; // wrap to beginning of year if (!results.Any()) continue; // back out early resultCount += results.Count(); // Build sorted name list var names = new List(); foreach (var item in results) { names.Add(item.DisplayName); } names.Sort(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var first = true; output.AppendLine(); output.Append($"● `{Common.MonthNames[results.First().BirthMonth]}-{results.First().BirthDay:00}`: "); foreach (var item in names) { // If the output is starting to fill up, send out this message and prepare a new one. if (output.Length > 800) { await doOutput(output.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false); output.Clear(); first = true; output.Append($"● `{Common.MonthNames[results.First().BirthMonth]}-{results.First().BirthDay:00}`: "); } if (first) first = false; else output.Append(", "); output.Append(item); } } if (resultCount == 0) await RespondAsync( "There are no recent or upcoming birthdays (within the last 7 days and/or next 14 days).") .ConfigureAwait(false); else await doOutput(output.ToString()).ConfigureAwait(false); } [RequireBotModerator] [SlashCommand("export", HelpPfxModOnly + HelpCmdExport)] public async Task CmdExport([Summary(description: "Specify whether to export the list in CSV format.")] bool asCsv = false) { if (!await HasMemberCacheAsync(Context.Guild)) { await RespondAsync(MemberCacheEmptyError, ephemeral: true).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var bdlist = await GetSortedUsersAsync(Context.Guild).ConfigureAwait(false); var filename = "birthdaybot-" + Context.Guild.Id; Stream fileoutput; if (asCsv) { fileoutput = ListExportCsv(Context.Guild, bdlist); filename += ".csv"; } else { fileoutput = ListExportNormal(Context.Guild, bdlist); filename += ".txt."; } await RespondWithFileAsync(fileoutput, filename, text: $"Exported {bdlist.Count} birthdays to file."); } #region Listing helper methods /// /// Fetches all guild birthdays and places them into an easily usable structure. /// Users currently not in the guild are not included in the result. /// private static async Task> GetSortedUsersAsync(SocketGuild guild) { using var db = await Database.OpenConnectionAsync(); using var c = db.CreateCommand(); c.CommandText = "select user_id, birth_month, birth_day from " + GuildUserConfiguration.BackingTable + " where guild_id = @Gid order by birth_month, birth_day"; c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)guild.Id; c.Prepare(); using var r = await c.ExecuteReaderAsync(); var result = new List(); while (await r.ReadAsync()) { var id = (ulong)r.GetInt64(0); var month = r.GetInt32(1); var day = r.GetInt32(2); var guildUser = guild.GetUser(id); if (guildUser == null) continue; // Skip user not in guild result.Add(new ListItem() { BirthMonth = month, BirthDay = day, DateIndex = DateIndex(month, day), UserId = guildUser.Id, DisplayName = Common.FormatName(guildUser, false) }); } return result; } private static Stream ListExportNormal(SocketGuild guild, IEnumerable list) { // Output: "● Mon-dd: (user ID) Username [ - Nickname: (nickname)]" var result = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new StreamWriter(result, Encoding.UTF8); writer.WriteLine("Birthdays in " + guild.Name); writer.WriteLine(); foreach (var item in list) { var user = guild.GetUser(item.UserId); if (user == null) continue; // User disappeared in the instant between getting list and processing writer.Write($"● {Common.MonthNames[item.BirthMonth]}-{item.BirthDay:00}: "); writer.Write(item.UserId); writer.Write(" " + user.Username + "#" + user.Discriminator); if (user.Nickname != null) writer.Write(" - Nickname: " + user.Nickname); writer.WriteLine(); } writer.Flush(); result.Position = 0; return result; } private static Stream ListExportCsv(SocketGuild guild, IEnumerable list) { // Output: User ID, Username, Nickname, Month-Day, Month, Day var result = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new StreamWriter(result, Encoding.UTF8); // Conforming to RFC 4180; with header writer.Write("UserId,Username,Nickname,MonthDayDisp,Month,Day"); writer.Write("\r\n"); // crlf line break is specified by the standard foreach (var item in list) { var user = guild.GetUser(item.UserId); if (user == null) continue; // User disappeared in the instant between getting list and processing writer.Write(item.UserId); writer.Write(','); writer.Write(CsvEscape(user.Username + "#" + user.Discriminator)); writer.Write(','); if (user.Nickname != null) writer.Write(user.Nickname); writer.Write(','); writer.Write($"{Common.MonthNames[item.BirthMonth]}-{item.BirthDay:00}"); writer.Write(','); writer.Write(item.BirthMonth); writer.Write(','); writer.Write(item.BirthDay); writer.Write("\r\n"); } writer.Flush(); result.Position = 0; return result; } private static string CsvEscape(string input) { var result = new StringBuilder(); result.Append('"'); foreach (var ch in input) { if (ch == '"') result.Append('"'); result.Append(ch); } result.Append('"'); return result.ToString(); } private static int DateIndex(int month, int day) { var dateindex = 0; // Add month offsets if (month > 1) dateindex += 31; // Offset January if (month > 2) dateindex += 29; // Offset February (incl. leap day) if (month > 3) dateindex += 31; // etc if (month > 4) dateindex += 30; if (month > 5) dateindex += 31; if (month > 6) dateindex += 30; if (month > 7) dateindex += 31; if (month > 8) dateindex += 31; if (month > 9) dateindex += 30; if (month > 10) dateindex += 31; if (month > 11) dateindex += 30; dateindex += day; return dateindex; } private struct ListItem { public int DateIndex; public int BirthMonth; public int BirthDay; public ulong UserId; public string DisplayName; } #endregion }