using BirthdayBot.Data; namespace BirthdayBot.ApplicationCommands; internal class HelpCommands : BotApplicationCommand { private static readonly EmbedFieldBuilder _helpEmbedRegCommandsField; private static readonly EmbedFieldBuilder _helpEmbedModCommandsField; static HelpCommands() { _helpEmbedRegCommandsField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Commands", Value = $"`/set-birthday` - {RegistrationCommands.HelpSet}\n" + $"`/set-timezone` - {RegistrationCommands.HelpZone}\n" + $"`/remove-timezone` - {RegistrationCommands.HelpZoneDel}\n" + $"`/remove-birthday` - {RegistrationCommands.HelpDel}" }; _helpEmbedModCommandsField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Moderator commands", Value = $"`/override` - {RegistrationOverrideCommands.HelpOverride}" }; } public override IEnumerable GetCommands() => new ApplicationCommandProperties[] { new SlashCommandBuilder() .WithName("help").WithDescription("Show an overview of available commands.").Build() }; public override CommandResponder? GetHandlerFor(string commandName) => commandName switch { "help" => CmdHelp, _ => null, }; private async Task CmdHelp(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf, SocketSlashCommand arg) { string ver = #if DEBUG "DEBUG flag set"; #else "v" + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version!.ToString(3); #endif var result = new EmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor("Help & About") .WithFooter($"Birthday Bot {ver} - Shard {instance.ShardId:00} up {Program.BotUptime}", instance.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl()) .WithDescription("Support, data policy, etc:\n" + "This bot is provided for free, without any paywalls or exclusive paid features. If this bot has been useful to you, " + "please consider taking a look at the author's Ko-fi:\n" + "Thank you for using Birthday Bot!") .AddField(_helpEmbedRegCommandsField) .AddField(_helpEmbedModCommandsField) .Build(); await arg.RespondAsync(embed: result); } }