
308 lines
16 KiB

using BirthdayBot.Data;
using Discord.Interactions;
using System.Text;
namespace BirthdayBot.ApplicationCommands;
[Group("config", HelpCmdConfig)]
public class ConfigModule : BotModuleBase {
public const string HelpCmdConfig = "Configure basic settings for the bot.";
public const string HelpCmdAnnounce = "Settings regarding birthday announcements.";
public const string HelpCmdBlocking = "Settings for limiting user access.";
public const string HelpCmdRole = "Settings for roles used by this bot.";
public const string HelpCmdCheck = "Test the bot's current configuration and show the results.";
const string HelpPofxBlankUnset = " Leave blank to unset.";
const string HelpOptChannel = "The corresponding channel to use.";
const string HelpOptRole = "The corresponding role to use.";
[Group("announce", HelpPfxModOnly + HelpCmdAnnounce)]
public class SubCmdsConfigAnnounce : BotModuleBase {
private const string HelpSubCmdChannel = "Set which channel will receive announcement messages.";
private const string HelpSubCmdMessage = "Modify the announcement message.";
private const string HelpSubCmdPing = "Set whether to ping users mentioned in the announcement.";
internal const string ModalCidAnnounce = "edit-announce";
private const string ModalComCidSingle = "msg-single";
private const string ModalComCidMulti = "msg-multi";
[SlashCommand("help", "Show information regarding announcement messages.")]
public async Task CmdAnnounceHelp() {
const string subcommands =
$"`/config announce` - {HelpCmdAnnounce}\n" +
$" ⤷`set-channel` - {HelpSubCmdChannel}\n" +
$" ⤷`set-message` - {HelpSubCmdMessage}\n" +
$" ⤷`set-ping` - {HelpSubCmdPing}";
const string whatIs =
"As the name implies, an announcement message is the messages displayed when somebody's birthday be" +
"arrives. If enabled, an announcment message is shown at midnight respective to the appropriate time zone, " +
"first using the user's local time (if it is known), or else using the server's default time zone, or else " +
"referring back to midnight in Universal Time (UTC).\n\n" +
"To enable announcement messages, use the `set-channel` subcommand.";
const string editMsg =
"The `set-message` subcommand allow moderators to edit the message sent into the announcement channel.\n" +
"Two messages may be provided: `single` sets the message that is displayed when one user has a birthday, and " +
"`multi` sets the message used when two or more users have birthdays. If only one of the two messages " +
"have been set, this bot will use the same message in both cases.\n\n" +
"You may use the token `%n` in your message to specify where the name(s) should appear, otherwise the names " +
"will appear at the very end of your custom message.";
await RespondAsync(embed: new EmbedBuilder()
.WithAuthor("Announcement configuration")
.AddField("What is an announcement message?", whatIs)
.AddField("Customization", editMsg)
[SlashCommand("set-channel", HelpPfxModOnly + HelpSubCmdChannel + HelpPofxBlankUnset)]
public async Task CmdSetChannel([Summary(description: HelpOptRole)] SocketTextChannel? channel = null) {
await DoDatabaseUpdate(Context, s => s.ChannelAnnounceId = (long?)channel?.Id);
await RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: The announcement channel has been " +
(channel == null ? "unset." : $"set to **{channel.Name}**."));
[SlashCommand("set-message", HelpPfxModOnly + HelpSubCmdMessage)]
public async Task CmdSetMessage() {
using var db = new BotDatabaseContext();
var settings = Context.Guild.GetConfigOrNew(db);
var txtSingle = new TextInputBuilder() {
Label = "Single - Message for one birthday",
CustomId = ModalComCidSingle,
Style = TextInputStyle.Paragraph,
MaxLength = 1500,
Required = false,
Placeholder = BackgroundServices.BirthdayRoleUpdate.DefaultAnnounce,
Value = settings.AnnounceMessage ?? ""
var txtMulti = new TextInputBuilder() {
Label = "Multi - Message for multiple birthdays",
CustomId = ModalComCidMulti,
Style = TextInputStyle.Paragraph,
MaxLength = 1500,
Required = false,
Placeholder = BackgroundServices.BirthdayRoleUpdate.DefaultAnnouncePl,
Value = settings.AnnounceMessagePl ?? ""
var form = new ModalBuilder()
.WithTitle("Edit announcement message")
await RespondWithModalAsync(form).ConfigureAwait(false);
internal static async Task CmdSetMessageResponse(SocketModal modal, SocketGuildChannel channel,
Dictionary<string, SocketMessageComponentData> data) {
string? newSingle = data[ModalComCidSingle].Value;
string? newMulti = data[ModalComCidMulti].Value;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newSingle)) newSingle = null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newMulti)) newMulti = null;
using var db = new BotDatabaseContext();
var settings = channel.Guild.GetConfigOrNew(db);
if (settings.IsNew) db.GuildConfigurations.Add(settings);
settings.AnnounceMessage = newSingle;
settings.AnnounceMessagePl = newMulti;
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
await modal.RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: Announcement messages have been updated.");
[SlashCommand("set-ping", HelpPfxModOnly + HelpSubCmdPing)]
public async Task CmdSetPing([Summary(description: "Set True to ping users, False to display them normally.")]bool option) {
await DoDatabaseUpdate(Context, s => s.AnnouncePing = option);
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Announcement pings are now **{(option ? "on" : "off")}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[Group("role", HelpPfxModOnly + HelpCmdRole)]
public class SubCmdsConfigRole : BotModuleBase {
[SlashCommand("set-birthday-role", HelpPfxModOnly + "Set the role given to users having a birthday.")]
public async Task CmdSetBRole([Summary(description: HelpOptRole)]SocketRole role) {
if (role.IsEveryone || role.IsManaged) {
await RespondAsync(":x: This role cannot be used for this setting.", ephemeral: true);
await DoDatabaseUpdate(Context, s => s.RoleId = (long)role.Id);
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: The birthday role has been set to **{role.Name}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[SlashCommand("set-moderator-role", HelpPfxModOnly + "Designate a role whose members can configure the bot." + HelpPofxBlankUnset)]
public async Task CmdSetModRole([Summary(description: HelpOptRole)]SocketRole? role = null) {
if (role != null && (role.IsEveryone || role.IsManaged)) {
await RespondAsync(":x: This role cannot be used for this setting.", ephemeral: true);
await DoDatabaseUpdate(Context, s => s.ModeratorRole = (long?)role?.Id);
await RespondAsync(":white_check_mark: The moderator role has been " +
(role == null ? "unset." : $"set to **{role.Name}**."));
[Group("block", HelpCmdBlocking)]
public class SubCmdsConfigBlocking : BotModuleBase {
[SlashCommand("add-block", HelpPfxModOnly + "Add a user to the block list.")]
public Task CmdAddBlock([Summary(description: "The user to block.")] SocketGuildUser user) => UpdateBlockAsync(user, true);
[SlashCommand("remove-block", HelpPfxModOnly + "Remove a user from the block list.")]
public Task CmdDelBlock([Summary(description: "The user to unblock.")] SocketGuildUser user) => UpdateBlockAsync(user, false);
private async Task UpdateBlockAsync(SocketGuildUser user, bool setting) {
// setting: true to add (set), false to remove (unset)
using var db = new BotDatabaseContext();
var existing = db.BlocklistEntries
.Where(bl => bl.GuildId == (long)user.Guild.Id && bl.UserId == (long)user.Id).FirstOrDefault();
bool already = (existing != null) == setting;
if (already) {
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: User is already {(setting ? "" : "not ")}blocked.").ConfigureAwait(false);
if (setting) db.BlocklistEntries.Add(new BlocklistEntry() { GuildId = (long)user.Guild.Id, UserId = (long)user.Id });
else db.Remove(existing!);
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: {Common.FormatName(user, false)} has been {(setting ? "" : "un")}blocked.");
[SlashCommand("set-moderated", HelpPfxModOnly + "Set moderated mode on the server.")]
public async Task CmdSetModerated([Summary(name: "enable", description: "The moderated mode setting.")] bool setting) {
bool current = false;
await DoDatabaseUpdate(Context, s => {
current = s.Moderated;
s.Moderated = setting;
bool already = setting == current;
if (already) {
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Moderated mode is already **{(setting ? "en" : "dis")}abled**.");
} else {
await RespondAsync($":white_check_mark: Moderated mode is now **{(setting ? "en" : "dis")}abled**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
[SlashCommand("check", HelpPfxModOnly + HelpCmdCheck)]
public async Task CmdCheck() {
static string DoTestFor(string label, Func<bool> test) => $"{label}: { (test() ? ":white_check_mark: Yes" : ":x: No") }";
SocketTextChannel channel = (SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel;
var guild = Context.Guild;
using var db = new BotDatabaseContext();
var guildconf = guild.GetConfigOrNew(db);
if (!guildconf.IsNew) await db.Entry(guildconf).Collection(t => t.UserEntries).LoadAsync();
var result = new StringBuilder();
result.AppendLine($"Server ID: `{guild.Id}` | Bot shard ID: `{Shard.ShardId:00}`");
result.AppendLine($"Number of registered birthdays: `{ guildconf.UserEntries.Count }`");
result.AppendLine($"Server time zone: `{ (guildconf.TimeZone ?? "Not set - using UTC") }`");
bool hasMembers = Common.HasMostMembersDownloaded(guild);
result.Append(DoTestFor("Bot has obtained the user list", () => hasMembers));
result.AppendLine($" - Has `{guild.DownloadedMemberCount}` of `{guild.MemberCount}` members.");
int bdayCount = default;
result.Append(DoTestFor("Birthday processing", delegate {
if (!hasMembers) return false;
if (guildconf.IsNew) return false;
bdayCount = BackgroundServices.BirthdayRoleUpdate.GetGuildCurrentBirthdays(guildconf.UserEntries, guildconf.TimeZone).Count;
return true;
if (!hasMembers) result.AppendLine(" - Previous step failed.");
else if (guildconf.IsNew) result.AppendLine(" - No data.");
else result.AppendLine($" - `{bdayCount}` user(s) currently having a birthday.");
result.AppendLine(DoTestFor("Birthday role set with `/config role set-birthday-role`", delegate {
if (guildconf.IsNew) return false;
SocketRole? role = guild.GetRole((ulong)(guildconf.RoleId ?? 0));
return role != null;
result.AppendLine(DoTestFor("Birthday role can be managed by bot", delegate {
if (guildconf.IsNew) return false;
SocketRole? role = guild.GetRole((ulong)(guildconf.RoleId ?? 0));
if (role == null) return false;
return guild.CurrentUser.GuildPermissions.ManageRoles && role.Position < guild.CurrentUser.Hierarchy;
SocketTextChannel? announcech = null;
result.AppendLine(DoTestFor("(Optional) Announcement channel set with `bb.config channel`", delegate {
if (guildconf.IsNew) return false;
announcech = guild.GetTextChannel((ulong)(guildconf.ChannelAnnounceId ?? 0));
return announcech != null;
string disp = announcech == null ? "announcement channel" : $"<#{announcech.Id}>";
result.AppendLine(DoTestFor($"(Optional) Bot can send messages into { disp }", delegate {
if (announcech == null) return false;
return guild.CurrentUser.GetPermissions(announcech).SendMessages;
await RespondAsync(embed: new EmbedBuilder() {
Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = "Status and config check" },
Description = result.ToString()
const int announceMsgPreviewLimit = 350;
static string prepareAnnouncePreview(string announce) {
string trunc = announce.Length > announceMsgPreviewLimit ? announce[..announceMsgPreviewLimit] + "`(...)`" : announce;
var result = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var line in trunc.Split('\n'))
result.AppendLine($"> {line}");
return result.ToString();
if (!guildconf.IsNew && (guildconf.AnnounceMessage != null || guildconf.AnnounceMessagePl != null)) {
var em = new EmbedBuilder().WithAuthor(new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = "Custom announce messages:" });
var dispAnnounces = new StringBuilder("Custom announcement message(s):\n");
if (guildconf.AnnounceMessage != null) {
em = em.AddField("Single", prepareAnnouncePreview(guildconf.AnnounceMessage));
if (guildconf.AnnounceMessagePl != null) {
em = em.AddField("Multi", prepareAnnouncePreview(guildconf.AnnounceMessagePl));
await ReplyAsync(embed: em.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false);
[SlashCommand("set-timezone", HelpPfxModOnly + "Configure the time zone to use by default in the server." + HelpPofxBlankUnset)]
public async Task CmdSetTimezone([Summary(description: HelpOptZone)] string? zone = null) {
const string Response = ":white_check_mark: The server's time zone has been ";
if (zone == null) {
await DoDatabaseUpdate(Context, s => s.TimeZone = null);
await RespondAsync(Response + "unset.").ConfigureAwait(false);
} else {
string parsedZone;
try {
parsedZone = ParseTimeZone(zone);
} catch (FormatException e) {
await RespondAsync(e.Message).ConfigureAwait(false);
await DoDatabaseUpdate(Context, s => s.TimeZone = parsedZone);
await RespondAsync(Response + $"set to **{parsedZone}**.").ConfigureAwait(false);
/// <summary>
/// Helper method for updating arbitrary <see cref="GuildConfig"/> values without all the boilerplate.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="valueUpdater">A delegate which modifies <see cref="GuildConfig"/> properties as needed.</param>
private static async Task DoDatabaseUpdate(SocketInteractionContext context, Action<GuildConfig> valueUpdater) {
using var db = new BotDatabaseContext();
var settings = context.Guild.GetConfigOrNew(db);
if (settings.IsNew) db.GuildConfigurations.Add(settings);
await db.SaveChangesAsync();