Noi 8f84b09b21 Reduce amount of automatic processing
These changes make the bot skip over needlessly collecting information
for guilds in which it is unnecessary, in most cases guilds that have
invited the bot but have not yet invoked any bot command.
2020-07-22 19:43:45 -07:00

263 lines
11 KiB

using Discord.WebSocket;
using Npgsql;
using NpgsqlTypes;
using System;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BirthdayBot.Data
/// <summary>
/// Represents guild-specific configuration as exists in the database.
/// Updating any property requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/> for changes to take effect.
/// </summary>
class GuildConfiguration
/// <summary>
/// Gets this configuration's corresponding guild ID.
/// </summary>
public ulong GuildId { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the guild's designated usable role ID.
/// Updating this value requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
public ulong? RoleId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the announcement channel ID.
/// Updating this value requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
public ulong? AnnounceChannelId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the guild's default time zone ztring.
/// Updating this value requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
public string TimeZone { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the guild's moderated mode setting.
/// Updating this value requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool IsModerated { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the guild's corresponding bot moderator role ID.
/// Updating this value requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
public ulong? ModeratorRole { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the guild-specific birthday announcement message.
/// Updating this value requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
public (string, string) AnnounceMessages { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the announcement ping setting.
/// Updating this value requires a call to <see cref="UpdateAsync"/>.
/// </summary>
public bool AnnouncePing { get; set; }
// Called by Load. Double-check ordinals when changes are made.
private GuildConfiguration(DbDataReader reader)
GuildId = (ulong)reader.GetInt64(0);
if (!reader.IsDBNull(1)) RoleId = (ulong)reader.GetInt64(1);
if (!reader.IsDBNull(2)) AnnounceChannelId = (ulong)reader.GetInt64(2);
TimeZone = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? null : reader.GetString(3);
IsModerated = reader.GetBoolean(4);
if (!reader.IsDBNull(5)) ModeratorRole = (ulong)reader.GetInt64(5);
string announceMsg = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? null : reader.GetString(6);
string announceMsgPl = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? null : reader.GetString(7);
AnnounceMessages = (announceMsg, announceMsgPl);
AnnouncePing = reader.GetBoolean(8);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the given user exists in the block list.
/// If the server is in moderated mode, this always returns true.
/// </summary>
public async Task<bool> IsUserBlockedAsync(ulong userId)
if (IsModerated) return true;
using var db = await Database.OpenConnectionAsync();
using var c = db.CreateCommand();
c.CommandText = $"select * from {BackingTableBans} "
+ "where guild_id = @Gid and user_id = @Uid";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)GuildId;
c.Parameters.Add("@Uid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)userId;
using var r = await c.ExecuteReaderAsync();
if (await r.ReadAsync()) return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Adds the specified user to the block list corresponding to this guild.
/// </summary>
public async Task BlockUserAsync(ulong userId)
using var db = await Database.OpenConnectionAsync();
using var c = db.CreateCommand();
c.CommandText = $"insert into {BackingTableBans} (guild_id, user_id) "
+ "values (@Gid, @Uid) "
+ "on conflict (guild_id, user_id) do nothing";
// There is no validation on whether the requested user is even in the guild. will this be a problem?
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)GuildId;
c.Parameters.Add("@Uid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)userId;
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Removes the specified user from the block list corresponding to this guild.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if a user has been removed, false if the requested user was not in this list.</returns>
public async Task<bool> UnblockUserAsync(ulong userId)
using var db = await Database.OpenConnectionAsync();
using var c = db.CreateCommand();
c.CommandText = $"delete from {BackingTableBans} where "
+ "guild_id = @Gid and user_id = @Uid";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)GuildId;
c.Parameters.Add("@Uid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)userId;
var result = await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
return result != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the given user can be considered a bot moderator.
/// Checks for either the Manage Guild permission or if the user is within a predetermined role.
/// </summary>
public bool IsBotModerator(SocketGuildUser user)
=> user.GuildPermissions.ManageGuild || (ModeratorRole.HasValue && user.Roles.Any(r => r.Id == ModeratorRole.Value));
#region Database
public const string BackingTable = "settings";
public const string BackingTableBans = "banned_users";
internal static async Task DatabaseSetupAsync(NpgsqlConnection db)
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"create table if not exists {BackingTable} ("
+ "guild_id bigint primary key, "
+ "role_id bigint null, "
+ "channel_announce_id bigint null, "
+ "time_zone text null, "
+ "moderated boolean not null default FALSE, "
+ "moderator_role bigint null, "
+ "announce_message text null, "
+ "announce_message_pl text null, "
+ "announce_ping boolean not null default FALSE, "
+ "last_seen timestamptz not null default NOW()"
+ ")";
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"create table if not exists {BackingTableBans} ("
+ $"guild_id bigint not null references {BackingTable} ON DELETE CASCADE, "
+ "user_id bigint not null, "
+ "PRIMARY KEY (guild_id, user_id)"
+ ")";
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Fetches guild settings from the database. If no corresponding entry exists, it will be created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nullIfUnknown">
/// If true, this method shall not create a new entry and will return null if the guild does
/// not exist in the database.
/// </param>
public static async Task<GuildConfiguration> LoadAsync(ulong guildId, bool nullIfUnknown)
using (var db = await Database.OpenConnectionAsync())
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
// Take note of ordinals for the constructor
c.CommandText = "select guild_id, role_id, channel_announce_id, time_zone, "
+ " moderated, moderator_role, announce_message, announce_message_pl, announce_ping "
+ $"from {BackingTable} where guild_id = @Gid";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)guildId;
using var r = await c.ExecuteReaderAsync();
if (await r.ReadAsync()) return new GuildConfiguration(r);
if (nullIfUnknown) return null;
// If we got here, no row exists. Create it with default values.
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"insert into {BackingTable} (guild_id) values (@Gid)";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)guildId;
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
// With a new row created, try this again
return await LoadAsync(guildId, nullIfUnknown);
/// <summary>
/// Updates values on the backing database with values from this object instance.
/// </summary>
public async Task UpdateAsync()
using var db = await Database.OpenConnectionAsync();
using var c = db.CreateCommand();
c.CommandText = $"update {BackingTable} set "
+ "role_id = @RoleId, "
+ "channel_announce_id = @ChannelId, "
+ "time_zone = @TimeZone, "
+ "moderated = @Moderated, "
+ "moderator_role = @ModRole, "
+ "announce_message = @AnnounceMsg, "
+ "announce_message_pl = @AnnounceMsgPl, "
+ "announce_ping = @AnnouncePing "
+ "where guild_id = @Gid";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)GuildId;
NpgsqlParameter p;
p = c.Parameters.Add("@RoleId", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint);
if (RoleId.HasValue) p.Value = (long)RoleId.Value;
else p.Value = DBNull.Value;
p = c.Parameters.Add("@ChannelId", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint);
if (AnnounceChannelId.HasValue) p.Value = (long)AnnounceChannelId.Value;
else p.Value = DBNull.Value;
p = c.Parameters.Add("@TimeZone", NpgsqlDbType.Text);
if (TimeZone != null) p.Value = TimeZone;
else p.Value = DBNull.Value;
c.Parameters.Add("@Moderated", NpgsqlDbType.Boolean).Value = IsModerated;
p = c.Parameters.Add("@ModRole", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint);
if (ModeratorRole.HasValue) p.Value = (long)ModeratorRole.Value;
else p.Value = DBNull.Value;
p = c.Parameters.Add("@AnnounceMsg", NpgsqlDbType.Text);
if (AnnounceMessages.Item1 != null) p.Value = AnnounceMessages.Item1;
else p.Value = DBNull.Value;
p = c.Parameters.Add("@AnnounceMsgPl", NpgsqlDbType.Text);
if (AnnounceMessages.Item2 != null) p.Value = AnnounceMessages.Item2;
else p.Value = DBNull.Value;
c.Parameters.Add("@AnnouncePing", NpgsqlDbType.Boolean).Value = AnnouncePing;