
67 lines
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using BirthdayBot.Data;
using System.Text;
namespace BirthdayBot.BackgroundServices;
/// <summary>
/// Automatically removes database information for guilds that have not been accessed in a long time.
/// </summary>
class DataRetention : BackgroundService {
private static readonly SemaphoreSlim _updateLock = new(ShardManager.MaxConcurrentOperations);
const int ProcessInterval = 5400 / ShardBackgroundWorker.Interval; // Process about once per hour and a half
// Amount of days without updates before data is considered stale and up for deletion.
const int StaleGuildThreshold = 180;
const int StaleUserThreashold = 360;
public DataRetention(ShardInstance instance) : base(instance) { }
public override async Task OnTick(int tickCount, CancellationToken token) {
// On each tick, run only a set group of guilds, each group still processed every ProcessInterval ticks.
if ((tickCount + ShardInstance.ShardId) % ProcessInterval != 0) return;
using var db = new BotDatabaseContext();
var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
int updatedGuilds = 0, updatedUsers = 0;
foreach (var guild in ShardInstance.DiscordClient.Guilds) {
// Update guild, fetch users from database
var dbGuild = db.GuildConfigurations.Where(s => s.GuildId == (long)guild.Id).FirstOrDefault();
if (dbGuild == null) continue;
dbGuild.LastSeen = now;
// Update users
var localIds = guild.Users.Select(u => (long)u.Id);
var dbSavedIds = db.UserEntries.Where(e => e.GuildId == (long)guild.Id).Select(e => e.UserId);
var usersToUpdate = localIds.Intersect(dbSavedIds).ToHashSet();
foreach (var user in db.UserEntries.Where(e => e.GuildId == (long)guild.Id && usersToUpdate.Contains(e.UserId))) {
user.LastSeen = now;
// And let go of old data
var staleGuilds = db.GuildConfigurations.Where(s => now - TimeSpan.FromDays(StaleGuildThreshold) > s.LastSeen);
var staleUsers = db.UserEntries.Where(e => now - TimeSpan.FromDays(StaleUserThreashold) > e.LastSeen);
int staleGuildCount = staleGuilds.Count(), staleUserCount = staleUsers.Count();
await db.SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken.None);
var resultText = new StringBuilder();
resultText.Append($"Updated {updatedGuilds} guilds, {updatedUsers} users.");
if (staleGuildCount != 0 || staleUserCount != 0) {
resultText.Append(" Discarded ");
if (staleGuildCount != 0) {
resultText.Append($"{staleGuildCount} guilds");
if (staleUserCount != 0) resultText.Append(", ");
if (staleUserCount != 0) {
resultText.Append($"{staleUserCount} users");