Noi 2f0fe8641a Implement own sharding system
The BirthdayBot class has been split up into ShardInstance and
ShardManager. Several other things have been reorganized so that shards
may act independently.

The overall goal of these changes made is to limit failures to sections
that can easily be discarded and replaced.
2020-10-04 21:40:38 -07:00

342 lines
14 KiB

using BirthdayBot.Data;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BirthdayBot.UserInterface
/// <summary>
/// Commands for listing upcoming and all birthdays.
/// </summary>
internal class ListingCommands : CommandsCommon
public ListingCommands(Configuration db) : base(db) { }
public override IEnumerable<(string, CommandHandler)> Commands
=> new List<(string, CommandHandler)>()
("list", CmdList),
("upcoming", CmdUpcoming),
("recent", CmdUpcoming),
("when", CmdWhen)
#region Documentation
public static readonly CommandDocumentation DocList =
new CommandDocumentation(new string[] { "list" }, "Exports all birthdays to a file."
+ " Accepts `csv` as an optional parameter.", null);
public static readonly CommandDocumentation DocUpcoming =
new CommandDocumentation(new string[] { "recent", "upcoming" }, "Lists recent and upcoming birthdays.", null);
public static readonly CommandDocumentation DocWhen =
new CommandDocumentation(new string[] { "when" }, "Displays the given user's birthday information.", null);
private async Task CmdWhen(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
// Requires a parameter
if (param.Length == 1)
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(ParameterError, embed: DocWhen.UsageEmbed);
var search = param[1];
if (param.Length == 3)
// param maxes out at 3 values. param[2] might contain part of the search string (if name has a space)
search += " " + param[2];
SocketGuildUser searchTarget = null;
if (!TryGetUserId(search, out ulong searchId)) // ID lookup
// name lookup without discriminator
foreach (var searchuser in reqChannel.Guild.Users)
if (string.Equals(search, searchuser.Username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
searchTarget = searchuser;
searchTarget = reqChannel.Guild.GetUser(searchId);
if (searchTarget == null)
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(BadUserError, embed: DocWhen.UsageEmbed);
var searchTargetData = await GuildUserConfiguration.LoadAsync(reqChannel.Guild.Id, searchId);
if (!searchTargetData.IsKnown)
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync("I do not have birthday information for that user.");
string result = Common.FormatName(searchTarget, false);
result += ": ";
result += $"`{searchTargetData.BirthDay:00}-{Common.MonthNames[searchTargetData.BirthMonth]}`";
result += searchTargetData.TimeZone == null ? "" : $" - `{searchTargetData.TimeZone}`";
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(result);
// Creates a file with all birthdays.
private async Task CmdList(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
// For now, we're restricting this command to moderators only. This may turn into an option later.
if (!gconf.IsBotModerator(reqUser))
// Do not add detailed usage information to this error message.
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Only bot moderators may use this command.");
bool useCsv = false;
// Check for CSV option
if (param.Length == 2)
if (param[1].ToLower() == "csv") useCsv = true;
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":x: That is not available as an export format.", embed: DocList.UsageEmbed);
else if (param.Length > 2)
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(ParameterError, embed: DocList.UsageEmbed);
var bdlist = await GetSortedUsersAsync(reqChannel.Guild);
var filepath = Path.GetTempPath() + "birthdaybot-" + reqChannel.Guild.Id;
string fileoutput;
if (useCsv)
fileoutput = ListExportCsv(reqChannel, bdlist);
filepath += ".csv";
fileoutput = ListExportNormal(reqChannel, bdlist);
filepath += ".txt.";
await File.WriteAllTextAsync(filepath, fileoutput, Encoding.UTF8);
await reqChannel.SendFileAsync(filepath, $"Exported {bdlist.Count} birthdays to file.");
catch (Discord.Net.HttpException)
reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Unable to send list due to a permissions issue. Check the 'Attach Files' permission.").Wait();
catch (Exception ex)
Program.Log("Listing", ex.ToString());
// TODO webhook report
// "Recent and upcoming birthdays"
// The 'recent' bit removes time zone ambiguity and spares us from extra time zone processing here
private async Task CmdUpcoming(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var search = DateIndex(now.Month, now.Day) - 8; // begin search 8 days prior to current date UTC
if (search <= 0) search = 366 - Math.Abs(search);
var query = await GetSortedUsersAsync(reqChannel.Guild);
var output = new StringBuilder();
var resultCount = 0;
output.AppendLine("Recent and upcoming birthdays:");
for (int count = 0; count <= 21; count++) // cover 21 days total (7 prior, current day, 14 upcoming)
var results = from item in query
where item.DateIndex == search
select item;
// push up search by 1 now, in case we back out early
search += 1;
if (search > 366) search = 1; // wrap to beginning of year
if (results.Count() == 0) continue; // back out early
resultCount += results.Count();
// Build sorted name list
var names = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in results)
var first = true;
output.Append($"● `{Common.MonthNames[results.First().BirthMonth]}-{results.First().BirthDay:00}`: ");
foreach (var item in names)
if (first) first = false;
else output.Append(", ");
// If the output is starting to fill up, back out early and prepare to show the result as-is
if (output.Length > 970) goto listfull;
output.Append("Not all birthdays have been shown as there are too many to list.");
if (resultCount == 0)
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync("There are no recent or upcoming birthdays (within the last 3 days and/or next 7 days).");
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(output.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Fetches all guild birthdays and places them into an easily usable structure.
/// Users currently not in the guild are not included in the result.
/// </summary>
private async Task<List<ListItem>> GetSortedUsersAsync(SocketGuild guild)
using var db = await Database.OpenConnectionAsync();
using var c = db.CreateCommand();
c.CommandText = "select user_id, birth_month, birth_day from " + GuildUserConfiguration.BackingTable
+ " where guild_id = @Gid order by birth_month, birth_day";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlTypes.NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = (long)guild.Id;
using var r = await c.ExecuteReaderAsync();
var result = new List<ListItem>();
while (await r.ReadAsync())
var id = (ulong)r.GetInt64(0);
var month = r.GetInt32(1);
var day = r.GetInt32(2);
var guildUser = guild.GetUser(id);
if (guildUser == null) continue; // Skip user not in guild
result.Add(new ListItem()
BirthMonth = month,
BirthDay = day,
DateIndex = DateIndex(month, day),
UserId = guildUser.Id,
DisplayName = Common.FormatName(guildUser, false)
return result;
private string ListExportNormal(SocketGuildChannel channel, IEnumerable<ListItem> list)
// Output: "● Mon-dd: (user ID) Username [ - Nickname: (nickname)]"
var result = new StringBuilder();
result.AppendLine("Birthdays in " + channel.Guild.Name);
foreach (var item in list)
var user = channel.Guild.GetUser(item.UserId);
if (user == null) continue; // User disappeared in the instant between getting list and processing
result.Append($"● {Common.MonthNames[item.BirthMonth]}-{item.BirthDay:00}: ");
result.Append(" " + user.Username + "#" + user.Discriminator);
if (user.Nickname != null) result.Append(" - Nickname: " + user.Nickname);
return result.ToString();
private string ListExportCsv(SocketGuildChannel channel, IEnumerable<ListItem> list)
// Output: User ID, Username, Nickname, Month-Day, Month, Day
var result = new StringBuilder();
// Conforming to RFC 4180; with header
result.Append("\r\n"); // crlf line break is specified by the standard
foreach (var item in list)
var user = channel.Guild.GetUser(item.UserId);
if (user == null) continue; // User disappeared in the instant between getting list and processing
result.Append(CsvEscape(user.Username + "#" + user.Discriminator));
if (user.Nickname != null) result.Append(user.Nickname);
return result.ToString();
private string CsvEscape(string input)
var result = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var ch in input)
if (ch == '"') result.Append('"');
return result.ToString();
private int DateIndex(int month, int day)
var dateindex = 0;
// Add month offsets
if (month > 1) dateindex += 31; // Offset January
if (month > 2) dateindex += 29; // Offset February (incl. leap day)
if (month > 3) dateindex += 31; // etc
if (month > 4) dateindex += 30;
if (month > 5) dateindex += 31;
if (month > 6) dateindex += 30;
if (month > 7) dateindex += 31;
if (month > 8) dateindex += 31;
if (month > 9) dateindex += 30;
if (month > 10) dateindex += 31;
if (month > 11) dateindex += 30;
dateindex += day;
return dateindex;
private struct ListItem
public int DateIndex;
public int BirthMonth;
public int BirthDay;
public ulong UserId;
public string DisplayName;