Noi 2f0fe8641a Implement own sharding system
The BirthdayBot class has been split up into ShardInstance and
ShardManager. Several other things have been reorganized so that shards
may act independently.

The overall goal of these changes made is to limit failures to sections
that can easily be discarded and replaced.
2020-10-04 21:40:38 -07:00

180 lines
9.2 KiB

using BirthdayBot.Data;
using Discord;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BirthdayBot.UserInterface
internal class HelpInfoCommands : CommandsCommon
private readonly Embed _helpEmbed;
private readonly Embed _helpConfigEmbed;
public HelpInfoCommands(Configuration cfg) : base(cfg)
var embeds = BuildHelpEmbeds();
_helpEmbed = embeds.Item1;
_helpConfigEmbed = embeds.Item2;
public override IEnumerable<(string, CommandHandler)> Commands =>
new List<(string, CommandHandler)>() {
("help", CmdHelp),
("help-config", CmdHelpConfig),
("help-tzdata", CmdHelpTzdata),
("help-message", CmdHelpMessage),
("info", CmdInfo)
private (Embed, Embed) BuildHelpEmbeds()
var cpfx = $"●`{CommandPrefix}";
// Normal section
var cmdField = new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Commands",
Value = $"{cpfx}help`, `{CommandPrefix}info`, `{CommandPrefix}help-tzdata`\n"
+ $" » Help and informational messages.\n"
+ ListingCommands.DocUpcoming.Export() + "\n"
+ UserCommands.DocSet.Export() + "\n"
+ UserCommands.DocZone.Export() + "\n"
+ UserCommands.DocRemove.Export() + "\n"
+ ListingCommands.DocWhen.Export()
var cmdModField = new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Moderator actions",
Value = $"{cpfx}config`\n"
+ $" » Edit bot configuration. See `{CommandPrefix}help-config`.\n"
+ ListingCommands.DocList.Export() + "\n"
+ ManagerCommands.DocOverride.Export()
var helpRegular = new EmbedBuilder().AddField(cmdField).AddField(cmdModField);
// Manager section
var mpfx = cpfx + "config ";
var configField1 = new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Basic settings",
Value = $"{mpfx}role (role name or ID)`\n"
+ " » Sets the role to apply to users having birthdays.\n"
+ $"{mpfx}channel (channel name or ID)`\n"
+ " » Sets the announcement channel. Leave blank to disable.\n"
+ $"{mpfx}message (message)`, `{CommandPrefix}config messagepl (message)`\n"
+ $" » Sets a custom announcement message. See `{CommandPrefix}help-message`.\n"
+ $"{mpfx}ping (off|on)`\n"
+ $" » Sets whether to ping the respective users in the announcement message.\n"
+ $"{mpfx}zone (time zone name)`\n"
+ $" » Sets the default server time zone. See `{CommandPrefix}help-tzdata`."
var configField2 = new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Access management",
Value = $"{mpfx}modrole (role name, role ping, or ID)`\n"
+ " » Establishes a role for bot moderators. Grants access to `bb.config` and `bb.override`.\n"
+ $"{mpfx}block/unblock (user ping or ID)`\n"
+ " » Prevents or allows usage of bot commands to the given user.\n"
+ $"{mpfx}moderated on/off`\n"
+ " » Prevents or allows using commands for all members excluding moderators."
var helpConfig = new EmbedBuilder()
Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = $"{CommandPrefix} config subcommands" },
Description = "All the following subcommands are only usable by moderators and server managers."
return (helpRegular.Build(), helpConfig.Build());
private async Task CmdHelp(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
=> await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: _helpEmbed);
private async Task CmdHelpConfig(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
=> await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: _helpConfigEmbed);
private async Task CmdHelpTzdata(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
const string tzhelp = "You may specify a time zone in order to have your birthday recognized with respect to your local time. "
+ "This bot only accepts zone names from the IANA Time Zone Database (a.k.a. Olson Database).\n\n"
+ "To find your zone:" + "\n"
+ "Interactive map:" + "\n"
+ "Complete list:";
var embed = new EmbedBuilder();
embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Time Zone Support",
Value = tzhelp
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build());
private async Task CmdHelpMessage(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
const string msghelp = "The `message` and `messagepl` subcommands allow for editing the message sent into the announcement "
+ "channel (defined with `{0}config channel`). This feature is separated across two commands:\n"
+ "●`{0}config message`\n"
+ "●`{0}config messagepl`\n"
+ "The first command sets the message to be displayed when *one* user is having a birthday. The second command sets the "
+ "message for when *two or more* users are having birthdays ('pl' means plural). If only one of the two custom messages "
+ "are defined, it will be used for both cases.\n\n"
+ "To further allow customization, you may place the token `%n` in your message to specify where the name(s) should appear.\n"
+ "Leave the parameter blank to clear or reset the message to its default value.";
const string msghelp2 = "As examples, these are the default announcement messages used by this bot:\n"
+ "`message`: {0}\n" + "`messagepl`: {1}";
var embed = new EmbedBuilder().AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Custom announcement message",
Value = string.Format(msghelp, CommandPrefix)
}).AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Examples",
Value = string.Format(msghelp2,
BackgroundServices.BirthdayRoleUpdate.DefaultAnnounce, BackgroundServices.BirthdayRoleUpdate.DefaultAnnouncePl)
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build());
private async Task CmdInfo(ShardInstance instance, GuildConfiguration gconf,
string[] param, SocketTextChannel reqChannel, SocketGuildUser reqUser)
var strStats = new StringBuilder();
var asmnm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();
strStats.AppendLine("BirthdayBot v" + asmnm.Version.ToString(3));
//strStats.AppendLine("Server count: " + Discord.Guilds.Count.ToString());
// TODO restore this statistic
strStats.AppendLine("Shard #" + instance.ShardId.ToString("00"));
strStats.AppendLine("Uptime: " + Common.BotUptime);
// TODO fun stats
// current birthdays, total names registered, unique time zones
var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
Name = "Thank you for using Birthday Bot!",
IconUrl = instance.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl()
// TODO this message needs an overhaul
Description = "For more information regarding support, data retention, privacy, and other details, please refer to: "
+ "" + "\n\n"
+ "This bot is provided for free, without any intention to add premium, pay-only features. "
+ "If you find this bot helpful, please consider contributing towards my operating costs "
+ "via Patreon:"
}.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
Name = "Statistics",
Value = strStats.ToString()
await reqChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed.Build());