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2022-09-17 03:42:55 +00:00
#pragma warning disable CA1822 // "Mark members as static" - members should only be callable by code with access to this instance
using Discord.Net;
using RegexBot.Data;
namespace RegexBot.Services.CommonFunctions;
internal partial class CommonFunctionsService : Service {
// Hooked
internal async Task<TimeoutSetResult> SetTimeoutAsync(SocketGuild guild, string source, SocketGuildUser target,
TimeSpan duration, string? reason, bool sendNotificationDM) {
if (duration < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))
return new TimeoutSetResult(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
nameof(duration), "Cannot set a timeout with a duration less than 60 seconds."), true, target);
if (duration > TimeSpan.FromDays(28))
return new TimeoutSetResult(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
nameof(duration), "Cannot set a timeout with a duration greater than 28 days."), true, target);
if (target.TimedOutUntil != null && DateTimeOffset.UtcNow < target.TimedOutUntil)
return new TimeoutSetResult(new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot set a timeout. The user is already timed out."), true, target);
Discord.RequestOptions? audit = null;
if (reason != null) audit = new() { AuditLogReason = reason };
try {
await target.SetTimeOutAsync(duration, audit);
} catch (HttpException ex) {
return new TimeoutSetResult(ex, false, target);
var entry = new ModLogEntry() {
GuildId = (long)guild.Id,
UserId = (long)target.Id,
LogType = ModLogType.Timeout,
IssuedBy = source,
Message = $"Duration: {Math.Floor(duration.TotalMinutes)}min{(reason == null ? "." : " - " + reason)}"
2022-09-17 03:42:55 +00:00
using (var db = new BotDatabaseContext()) {
await db.SaveChangesAsync();
// TODO check if this log entry should be propagated now or if (to be implemented) will do it for us later
await BotClient.PushSharedEventAsync(entry); // Until then, we for sure propagate our own
2022-09-17 03:42:55 +00:00
bool dmSuccess;
// DM notification
if (sendNotificationDM) {
dmSuccess = await SendUserTimeoutNoticeAsync(target, duration, reason);
} else dmSuccess = true;
return new TimeoutSetResult(null, dmSuccess, target);
internal async Task<bool> SendUserTimeoutNoticeAsync(SocketGuildUser target, TimeSpan duration, string? reason) {
// you have been issued a timeout in x.
// the timeout will expire on <t:...>
const string DMTemplate1 = "You have been issued a timeout in {0}";
const string DMTemplateReason = " for the following reason:\n{2}";
const string DMTemplate2 = "\nThe timeout will expire on <t:{1}:f> (<t:{1}:R>).";
var expireTime = (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + duration).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
var outMessage = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reason)
? string.Format($"{DMTemplate1}.{DMTemplate2}", target.Guild.Name, expireTime)
: string.Format($"{DMTemplate1}{DMTemplateReason}\n{DMTemplate2}", target.Guild.Name, expireTime, reason);
var dch = await target.CreateDMChannelAsync();
try { await dch.SendMessageAsync(outMessage); } catch (HttpException) { return false; }
return true;