using Discord; using RegexBot.Data; namespace RegexBot.Services.EntityCache; class MessageCachingSubservice { private readonly RegexbotClient _bot; internal MessageCachingSubservice(RegexbotClient bot) { _bot = bot; bot.DiscordClient.MessageReceived += DiscordClient_MessageReceived; bot.DiscordClient.MessageUpdated += DiscordClient_MessageUpdated; } private Task DiscordClient_MessageReceived(SocketMessage arg) => AddOrUpdateCacheItemAsync(arg, false); private Task DiscordClient_MessageUpdated(Cacheable arg1, SocketMessage arg2, ISocketMessageChannel arg3) { // This event is fired also when a link preview embed is added to a message. In those situations, the message's edited timestamp // remains null, in addition to having other unusual and unexpected properties. We are not interested in these. if (!arg2.EditedTimestamp.HasValue) return Task.CompletedTask; return AddOrUpdateCacheItemAsync(arg2, true); } private async Task AddOrUpdateCacheItemAsync(SocketMessage arg, bool isUpdate) { //if (!Common.Utilities.IsValidUserMessage(arg, out _)) return; if (arg.Channel is not SocketTextChannel) return; if (arg.Author.IsWebhook) return; // do get bot messages, don't get webhooks if (((IMessage)arg).Type != MessageType.Default) return; if (arg is SocketSystemMessage) return; using var db = new BotDatabaseContext(); CachedGuildMessage? cachedMsg = db.GuildMessageCache.Where(m => m.MessageId == (long)arg.Id).SingleOrDefault(); if (isUpdate) { // Alternative for Discord.Net's MessageUpdated handler: // Notify subscribers of message update using EC entry for the previous message state var oldMsg = CachedGuildMessage.Clone(cachedMsg); var updEvent = new MessageCacheUpdateEvent(oldMsg, arg); await _bot.PushSharedEventAsync(updEvent); } if (cachedMsg == null) { cachedMsg = new() { MessageId = (long)arg.Id, AuthorId = (long)arg.Author.Id, GuildId = (long)((SocketGuildUser)arg.Author).Guild.Id, ChannelId = (long)arg.Channel.Id, AttachmentNames = arg.Attachments.Select(a => a.Filename).ToList(), Content = arg.Content }; db.GuildMessageCache.Add(cachedMsg); } else { cachedMsg.EditedAt = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; cachedMsg.Content = arg.Content; cachedMsg.AttachmentNames = arg.Attachments.Select(a => a.Filename).ToList(); db.GuildMessageCache.Update(cachedMsg); } await db.SaveChangesAsync(); } }