## Server definition Server definitions are defined within the `servers` array. Each definition represents unique configuration values for a single server. It is possible to specify multiple servers, thus allowing for a single bot instance to be used in several servers at once. Sample definition within [configuration](docs.html): ``` servers: [ { "id": 100000000000, "name": "Fun Server", "autoresponses": { // ... } }, { "id": 100000000001, "name": "Serious Business", "automod": { // ... } } ] ``` The following is a list of accepted members within a server definition. * id (*integer*) - **Required.** A value containing the server's [unique ID](https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-). * name (*string*) - Preferably a readable version of the server's name. Not used for anything other than internal logging. * moderators (*[entity list](entitylist.html)*) - A list of entities to consider as moderators. Actions done by members of this list are able to execute *ModCommands* commands and are exempt from certain *AutoMod* rules. See their respective pages for more details. * [AutoMod](automod.html) - See respective page. * [AutoRespond](autorespond.html) - See respective page. * [EntryAutoRole](entryautorole.html) - See respective page. * [ModCommands](modcommands.html) - See respective page. * [ModLogs](modlogs.html) - See respective page.