using Discord.WebSocket;
using Kerobot.Common;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Kerobot.Modules.AutoScriptResponder
/// Representation of a single configuration definition.
class Definition
private static readonly Random Chance = new Random();
public string Label { get; }
public IEnumerable Regex { get; }
// ASR edit:
public string Command { get; }
public FilterList Filter { get; }
public RateLimit RateLimit { get; }
public double RandomChance { get; }
/// Creates an instance based on JSON configuration.
public Definition(JProperty incoming)
Label = incoming.Name;
if (incoming.Value.Type != JTokenType.Object)
throw new ModuleLoadException($"Value of {nameof(AutoScriptResponder)} definition must be a JSON object.");
var data = (JObject)incoming.Value;
// error message postfix
var errorpfx = $" in AutoRespond definition '{Label}'.";
// Parse regex
const RegexOptions rxopts = RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline;
var regexes = new List();
var rxconf = data["regex"];
if (rxconf == null) throw new ModuleLoadException("No regular expression patterns defined" + errorpfx);
// Accepting either array or single string
// TODO detection of regex values that go around these options or attempt advanced functionality
// TODO repeated code! simplify this a little.
if (rxconf.Type == JTokenType.Array)
foreach (var input in rxconf.Values())
var r = new Regex(input, rxopts);
catch (ArgumentException)
throw new ModuleLoadException($"Failed to parse regular expression pattern '{input}'{errorpfx}");
else if (rxconf.Type == JTokenType.String)
var rxstr = rxconf.Value();
var r = new Regex(rxstr, rxopts);
catch (ArgumentException)
throw new ModuleLoadException($"Failed to parse regular expression pattern '{rxstr}'{errorpfx}");
// TODO fix up wording of error message here
throw new ModuleLoadException("Unacceptable value given as a regular expession" + errorpfx);
Regex = regexes.AsReadOnly();
// ASR edit:
// Get command to be executed
Command = data["command"]?.Value();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Command))
throw new ModuleLoadException("Value for 'command' is missing.");
// Filtering
Filter = new FilterList(data);
// Rate limiting
string rlstr = data["ratelimit"]?.Value();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rlstr))
RateLimit = new RateLimit();
if (ushort.TryParse(rlstr, out var rlval))
RateLimit = new RateLimit(rlval);
throw new ModuleLoadException("Invalid rate limit value" + errorpfx);
// Random chance parameter
string randstr = data["RandomChance"]?.Value();
double randval;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(randstr))
randval = double.NaN;
if (!double.TryParse(randstr, out randval))
throw new ModuleLoadException("Random value is invalid (unable to parse)" + errorpfx);
if (randval > 1 || randval < 0)
throw new ModuleLoadException("Random value is invalid (not between 0 and 1)" + errorpfx);
RandomChance = randval;
/// Checks the given message to determine if it matches this rule's constraints.
/// True if the rule's response(s) should be executed.
public bool Match(SocketMessage m)
// Filter check
if (Filter.IsFiltered(m, true)) return false;
// Match check
bool matchFound = false;
foreach (var item in Regex)
// TODO determine maximum execution time for a regular expression match
if (item.IsMatch(m.Content))
matchFound = true;
if (!matchFound) return false;
// Rate limit check - currently per channel
if (!RateLimit.Permit(m.Channel.Id)) return false;
// Random chance check
if (!double.IsNaN(RandomChance))
// Fail if randomly generated value is higher than the parameter
// Example: To fail a 75% chance, the check value must be between 0.75000...001 and 1.0.
var chk = Chance.NextDouble();
if (chk > RandomChance) return false;
return true;
// ASR edit: GetResponse() removed.