using System.Text; namespace RegexBot.Modules.ModLogs; /// /// Logs certain events of note to a database for moderators to keep track of user behavior. /// Makes use of a helper class, . /// [RegexbotModule] public partial class ModLogs : RegexbotModule { // TODO consider resurrecting 2.x idea of logging actions to db, making it searchable? public ModLogs(RegexbotClient bot) : base(bot) { // TODO missing logging features: joins, leaves, bans, kicks, user edits (nick/username/discr) DiscordClient.MessageDeleted += HandleDelete; bot.EcOnMessageUpdate += HandleUpdate; } public override Task CreateGuildStateAsync(ulong guildID, JToken config) { if (config == null) return Task.FromResult(null); if (config.Type != JTokenType.Object) throw new ModuleLoadException("Configuration for this section is invalid."); var newconf = new ModuleConfig((JObject)config); Log($"Writing logs to {newconf.ReportingChannel}."); return Task.FromResult(new ModuleConfig((JObject)config)); } private static string MakeTimestamp(DateTimeOffset time) { var result = new StringBuilder(); //result.Append(time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); result.Append($""); var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; var diff = now - time; if (diff < new TimeSpan(3, 0, 0, 0)) { // Difference less than 3 days. Generate relative time format. result.Append(" - "); if (diff.TotalSeconds < 60) { // Under a minute ago. Show only seconds. result.Append((int)Math.Ceiling(diff.TotalSeconds) + "s ago"); } else { // over a minute. Show days, hours, minutes, seconds. var ts = (int)Math.Ceiling(diff.TotalSeconds); var m = ts % 3600 / 60; var h = ts % 86400 / 3600; var d = ts / 86400; if (d > 0) result.AppendFormat("{0}d{1}h{2}m", d, h, m); else if (h > 0) result.AppendFormat("{0}h{1}m", h, m); else result.AppendFormat("{0}m", m); result.Append(" ago"); } } return result.ToString(); } private static string GetDefaultAvatarUrl(string discriminator) { var discVal = int.Parse(discriminator); return $"{discVal % 5}.png"; } }