Noikoio b9b23e5b02 Added VoteTempChannel
This was the product of having worked on it on and off with no clear
schedule or plan. It is structurally... pretty bad. And prone to bugs.

Its core features are known to work. Other features may be added later
as necessary. Don't consider this to be a largely finished module.

This may even be rewritten in the near future, now that I know better
what I want to get out of this.
2018-10-28 11:44:30 -07:00

150 lines
6 KiB

using Discord;
using Discord.Rest;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Noikoio.RegexBot.ConfigItem;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Noikoio.RegexBot.Module.VoteTempChannel
/// <summary>
/// "Entry point" for VoteTempChannel feature.
/// Handles activation command depending on guild state. Also holds information on
/// temporary channels currently active.
/// </summary>
class VoteTempChannel : BotModule
ChannelManager _chMgr;
internal VoteStore _votes;
public VoteTempChannel(DiscordSocketClient client) : base(client)
_chMgr = new ChannelManager(this, client);
_votes = new VoteStore();
client.JoinedGuild += GuildEnter;
client.GuildAvailable += GuildEnter;
client.LeftGuild += GuildLeave;
client.MessageReceived += Client_MessageReceived;
private async Task GuildEnter(SocketGuild arg)
var conf = GetState<GuildConfiguration>(arg.Id);
if (conf != null) await _chMgr.RecheckExpiryInformation(arg, conf);
private Task GuildLeave(SocketGuild arg)
return Task.CompletedTask;
// Handles all vote logic
private async Task Client_MessageReceived(SocketMessage arg)
if (arg.Author.IsBot) return;
if (arg.Channel is IDMChannel) return;
var guild = (arg.Channel as SocketTextChannel)?.Guild;
if (guild == null) return;
var conf = GetConfig(guild.Id);
if (conf == null) return;
if (!arg.Content.StartsWith(conf.VoteCommand, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return;
var voteResult = _votes.AddVote(guild.Id, arg.Author.Id, out int voteCount);
if (voteResult == VoteStatus.FailCooldown)
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Cooldown in effect. Try again later.");
const string VoteError = ":x: You have already placed your vote.";
if (_chMgr.HasExistingTemporaryChannel(guild, conf))
// Ignore votes not coming from the temporary channel itself.
if (!string.Equals(arg.Channel.Name, conf.TempChannelName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
_votes.DelVote(guild.Id, arg.Author.Id);
if (voteResult == VoteStatus.FailVotedAlready)
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(VoteError);
await HandleVote_TempChannelExists(arg, guild, conf, voteCount);
if (voteResult == VoteStatus.FailVotedAlready)
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(VoteError);
await HandleVote_TempChannelNotExists(arg, guild, conf, voteCount);
private async Task HandleVote_TempChannelNotExists(SocketMessage arg, SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration conf, int voteCount)
bool threshold = voteCount >= conf.VotePassThreshold;
RestTextChannel newCh = null;
if (threshold)
newCh = await _chMgr.CreateChannelAndEntryAsync(guild, conf);
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Channel creation vote has been counted."
+ (threshold ? $"\n<#{newCh.Id}> is now available!" : ""));
if (newCh != null)
await newCh.SendMessageAsync($"Welcome to <#{newCh.Id}>!"
+ "\nPlease note that this channel is temporary and *will* be deleted at a later time.");
private async Task HandleVote_TempChannelExists(SocketMessage arg, SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration conf, int voteCount)
// It's been checked that the incoming message originated from the temporary channel itself before coming here.
if (!_chMgr.IsUpForRenewal(guild, conf))
// TODO consider changing 'renewal' to 'extension' in other references, because the word makes more sense
if (conf.ChannelExtendDuration != TimeSpan.Zero)
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Cannot currently vote for a time extension. Try again later.");
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: This channel's duration may not be extended.");
bool threshold = voteCount >= conf.VotePassThreshold;
if (threshold)
await _chMgr.ExtendChannelExpirationAsync(guild, conf);
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Extension vote has been counted."
+ (threshold ? "\nThis channel's duration has been extended." : ""));
public override Task<object> CreateInstanceState(JToken configSection)
if (configSection == null) return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
if (configSection.Type == JTokenType.Object)
return Task.FromResult<object>(new GuildConfiguration((JObject)configSection));
throw new RuleImportException("Configuration not of a valid type.");
/// <summary>
/// Publicly accessible method for fetching config. Used by <see cref="ChannelManager"/>.
/// </summary>
public GuildConfiguration GetConfig(ulong guildId) => GetState<GuildConfiguration>(guildId);
// TODO check if used ^. attempt to not use.