2018-10-31 14:29:08 -07:00

219 lines
8.3 KiB

using Discord.Rest;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Noikoio.RegexBot.ConfigItem;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Noikoio.RegexBot.Module.VoteTempChannel
/// <summary>
/// Enables users to vote for the creation of a temporary channel.
/// Deletes the channel after a set period of inactivity.
/// </summary>
class VoteTempChannel : BotModule
Task _backgroundWorker;
CancellationTokenSource _backgroundWorkerCancel;
public VoteTempChannel(DiscordSocketClient client) : base(client)
client.MessageReceived += VoteChecking;
client.MessageReceived += TemporaryChannelActivityCheck;
_backgroundWorkerCancel = new CancellationTokenSource();
_backgroundWorker = Task.Factory.StartNew(BackgroundCheckingTask, _backgroundWorkerCancel.Token,
TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
public override Task<object> CreateInstanceState(JToken configSection)
if (configSection == null) return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
if (configSection.Type == JTokenType.Object)
return Task.FromResult<object>(new GuildInformation((JObject)configSection));
throw new RuleImportException("Configuration not of a valid type.");
/// <summary>
/// Listens for voting commands.
/// </summary>
private async Task VoteChecking(SocketMessage arg)
if (arg.Author.IsBot) return;
var guild = (arg.Channel as SocketTextChannel)?.Guild;
if (guild == null) return;
var info = GetState<GuildInformation>(guild.Id);
if (info == null) return;
// Only check the designated voting channel
if (!string.Equals(arg.Channel.Name, info.Config.VoteChannel,
StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return;
// Check if command invoked
if (!arg.Content.StartsWith(info.Config.VoteCommand, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return;
// Check if we're accepting votes. Locking here; other tasks may alter this data.
bool cooldown;
bool voteCounted = false;
string newChannelName = null;
lock (info)
if (info.GetTemporaryChannel(guild) != null) return; // channel exists, do nothing
if (info.Voting.AwaitingInitialVote())
// Vote not in effect. Ignore those not allowed to initiate a vote (if configured).
if (!info.Config.VoteStarters.IsEmpty() &&
!info.Config.VoteStarters.ExistsInList(arg)) return;
cooldown = info.Voting.IsInCooldown();
if (!cooldown)
voteCounted = info.Voting.AddVote(arg.Author.Id, out var voteCount);
if (voteCount >= info.Config.VotePassThreshold)
newChannelName = info.Config.TempChannelName;
// Prepare new temporary channel while we're still locking
if (newChannelName != null) info.TempChannelLastActivity = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (cooldown)
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Cooldown in effect. Try again later.");
if (!voteCounted)
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You have already voted.");
if (newChannelName != null)
RestTextChannel newCh;
newCh = await guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(newChannelName);
catch (Discord.Net.HttpException ex)
await Log($"Failed to create temporary channel: {ex.Message}");
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Failed to create new channel! Notify the bot operator.");
await newCh.SendMessageAsync($"Welcome to <#{newCh.Id}>!"
+ "\nBe aware that this channel is temporary and **will** be deleted later.");
newChannelName = newCh.Id.ToString(); // For use in the confirmation message
await arg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Channel creation vote has been counted."
+ (newChannelName != null ? $"\n<#{newChannelName}> has been created!" : ""));
/// <summary>
/// Listens for any message sent to the temporary channel.
/// Updates the corresponding internal value.
/// </summary>
private Task TemporaryChannelActivityCheck(SocketMessage arg)
if (arg.Author.IsBot) return Task.CompletedTask;
var guild = (arg.Channel as SocketTextChannel)?.Guild;
if (guild == null) return Task.CompletedTask;
var info = GetState<GuildInformation>(guild.Id);
if (info == null) return Task.CompletedTask;
lock (info)
var tch = info.GetTemporaryChannel(guild);
if (tch == null) return Task.CompletedTask;
if (arg.Channel.Name == tch.Name)
info.TempChannelLastActivity = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
return Task.CompletedTask;
#region Background tasks
/// <summary>
/// Two functions: Removes expired channels, and announces expired votes.
/// </summary>
private async Task BackgroundCheckingTask()
while (!_backgroundWorkerCancel.IsCancellationRequested)
try { await Task.Delay(12000, _backgroundWorkerCancel.Token); }
catch (TaskCanceledException) { return; }
foreach (var g in Client.Guilds)
var info = GetState<GuildInformation>(g.Id);
if (info == null) continue;
await BackgroundTempChannelExpiryCheck(g, info);
await BackgroundVoteSessionExpiryCheck(g, info);
catch (Exception ex)
Log("Unhandled exception in background task when processing a single guild.").Wait();
private async Task BackgroundTempChannelExpiryCheck(SocketGuild g, GuildInformation info)
SocketGuildChannel ch = null;
lock (info)
ch = info.GetTemporaryChannel(g);
if (ch == null) return; // No temporary channel. Nothing to do.
if (!info.IsTempChannelExpired()) return;
// If we got this far, the channel's expiring. Start the voting cooldown.
await ch.DeleteAsync();
private async Task BackgroundVoteSessionExpiryCheck(SocketGuild g, GuildInformation info)
bool act;
string nameTest;
lock (info) {
act = info.Voting.IsSessionExpired();
nameTest = info.Config.VoteChannel;
if (!act) return;
// Determine the voting channel; will send announcement there.
SocketTextChannel outCh = null;
foreach (var ch in g.TextChannels)
if (string.Equals(ch.Name, nameTest, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
outCh = ch;
if (outCh == null)
// Huh. Bad config?
await outCh.SendMessageAsync(":x: Not enough votes were placed for channel creation.");