Noikoio 9818d4af89 Removed EntityItem.UpdateId
Will no longer determine and store snowflake IDs for each entity
defined in configuration. Instead, it will be strongly
recommended in future documentation that users make use of IDs to
define such things.
2017-08-08 12:36:49 -07:00

387 lines
14 KiB

using Discord;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Noikoio.RegexBot.ConfigItem;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace Noikoio.RegexBot.Feature.RegexResponder
/// <summary>
/// Implements per-message regex matching and executes customizable responses.
/// Namesake of this project.
/// </summary>
partial class EventProcessor : BotFeature
private readonly DiscordSocketClient _client;
public override string Name => "RegexResponder";
public EventProcessor(DiscordSocketClient client) : base(client)
_client = client;
_client.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceived;
_client.MessageUpdated += OnMessageUpdated;
_commands = new ReadOnlyDictionary<string, ResponseProcessor>(
new Dictionary<string, ResponseProcessor>() {
{ "crash", RP_Crash },
{ "dumpid", RP_DumpID },
{ "report", RP_Report },
{ "say", RP_Say },
{ "remove", RP_Remove },
{ "delete", RP_Remove },
{ "erase", RP_Remove },
{ "exec", RP_Exec },
{ "ban", RP_Ban },
{ "grantrole", RP_GrantRevokeRole },
{ "revokerole", RP_GrantRevokeRole }
#region Event handlers
private async Task OnMessageReceived(SocketMessage arg)
=> await ReceiveMessage(arg);
private async Task OnMessageUpdated(Cacheable<IMessage, ulong> arg1, SocketMessage arg2, ISocketMessageChannel arg3)
=> await ReceiveMessage(arg2);
/// <summary>
/// Receives incoming messages and creates tasks to handle them if necessary.
/// </summary>
private async Task ReceiveMessage(SocketMessage arg)
// Determine channel type - if not a guild channel, stop.
var ch = arg.Channel as SocketGuildChannel;
if (ch == null) return;
if (arg.Author == _client.CurrentUser) return; // Don't ever self-trigger
// Looking up server information and extracting settings
SocketGuild g = ch.Guild;
ServerConfig sd = null;
foreach (var item in RegexBot.Config.Servers)
if (item.Id.HasValue)
// Finding server by ID
if (g.Id == item.Id)
sd = item;
// Finding server by name and caching ID
if (string.Equals(item.Name, g.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
item.Id = g.Id;
sd = item;
await Logger.GetLogger(Configuration.LogPrefix)
($"Suggestion: Server \"{item.Name}\" can be defined as \"{item.Id}::{item.Name}\"");
if (sd == null) return; // No server configuration found
var rules = GetConfig(ch.Guild.Id) as IEnumerable<RuleConfig>;
if (rules == null) return;
// Further processing is sent to the thread pool
foreach (var rule in rules)
await Task.Run(async () => await ProcessMessage(sd, rule, arg));
/// <summary>
/// Uses information from a single rule and checks if the incoming message is a match.
/// If it matches, the rule's responses are executed. To be run in the thread pool.
/// </summary>
private async Task ProcessMessage(ServerConfig srv, RuleConfig rule, SocketMessage msg)
string msgcontent;
// Embed mode?
if (rule.MatchEmbeds)
var embeds = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var e in msg.Embeds) embeds.AppendLine(EmbedToString(e));
msgcontent = embeds.ToString();
msgcontent = msg.Content;
// Min/max message length check
if (rule.MinLength.HasValue && msgcontent.Length <= rule.MinLength.Value) return;
if (rule.MaxLength.HasValue && msgcontent.Length >= rule.MaxLength.Value) return;
// Moderator bypass check
if (rule.AllowModBypass == true && IsInList(srv.Moderators, msg)) return;
// Individual rule filtering check
if (IsFiltered(rule, msg)) return;
// And finally, pattern matching checks
bool success = false;
foreach (var regex in rule.Regex)
success = regex.Match(msgcontent).Success;
if (success) break;
if (!success) return;
// Prepare to execute responses
await Log($"\"{rule.DisplayName}\" triggered in {srv.Name}/#{msg.Channel} by {msg.Author.ToString()}");
foreach (string rcmd in rule.Responses)
string cmd = rcmd.TrimStart(' ').Split(' ')[0].ToLower();
ResponseProcessor response;
if (!_commands.TryGetValue(cmd, out response))
await Log($"Unknown command defined in response: \"{cmd}\"");
await response.Invoke(rcmd, rule, msg);
catch (Exception ex)
await Log($"Encountered an error while processing \"{cmd}\". Details follow:");
await Log(ex.ToString());
public override async Task<object> ProcessConfiguration(JToken configSection)
List<RuleConfig> rules = new List<RuleConfig>();
foreach (JObject ruleconf in configSection)
// Try and get at least the name before passing it to RuleItem
string name = ruleconf["name"]?.Value<string>();
if (name == null)
await Log("Display name not defined within a rule section.");
return false;
await Log($"Adding rule \"{name}\"");
RuleConfig rule;
rule = new RuleConfig(ruleconf);
catch (RuleImportException ex)
await Log("-> Error: " + ex.Message);
return false;
return rules.AsReadOnly();
// -------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Turns an embed into a single string for regex matching purposes
/// </summary>
private string EmbedToString(Embed e)
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
if (e.Author.HasValue) result.AppendLine(e.Author.Value.Name ?? "" + e.Author.Value.Url ?? "");
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Title)) result.AppendLine(e.Title);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Description)) result.AppendLine(e.Description);
foreach (var f in e.Fields)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.Name)) result.AppendLine(f.Name);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.Value)) result.AppendLine(f.Value);
if (e.Footer.HasValue)
result.AppendLine(e.Footer.Value.Text ?? "");
return result.ToString();
private bool IsFiltered(RuleConfig r, SocketMessage m)
if (r.FilterMode == FilterType.None) return false;
bool inFilter = IsInList(r.FilterList, m);
if (r.FilterMode == FilterType.Whitelist)
if (!inFilter) return true;
return IsInList(r.FilterExemptions, m);
else if (r.FilterMode == FilterType.Blacklist)
if (!inFilter) return false;
return !IsInList(r.FilterExemptions, m);
return false; // this shouldn't happen™
private bool IsInList(EntityList ignorelist, SocketMessage m)
if (ignorelist == null)
// This happens when getting a message from a server not defined in config.
return false;
var guildauthor = m.Author as SocketGuildUser;
foreach (var item in ignorelist.Users)
if (!item.Id.HasValue)
if (guildauthor != null &&
string.Equals(item.Name, guildauthor.Nickname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
if (string.Equals(item.Name, m.Author.Username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
} else
if (item.Id.Value == m.Author.Id) return true;
if (guildauthor != null)
foreach (var guildrole in guildauthor.Roles)
if (ignorelist.Roles.Any(listrole =>
if (listrole.Id.HasValue) return listrole.Id == guildrole.Id;
else return string.Equals(listrole.Name, guildrole.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return true;
foreach (var listchannel in ignorelist.Channels)
if (listchannel.Id.HasValue && listchannel.Id == m.Channel.Id ||
string.Equals(listchannel.Name, m.Channel.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
// No match.
return false;
private string[] SplitParams(string cmd, int? limit = null)
if (limit.HasValue)
return cmd.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, limit.Value, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return cmd.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
private string ProcessText(string input, SocketMessage m)
// Maybe in the future this will do more.
// For now, replaces all instances of @_ with the message sender.
return input
.Replace("@_", m.Author.Mention)
.Replace("@\\_", "@_");
/// <summary>
/// Receives a string (beginning with @ or #) and returns an object
/// suitable for sending out messages
/// </summary>
private async Task<IMessageChannel> GetMessageTargetAsync(string targetName, SocketMessage m)
const string AEShort = "Target name is too short.";
EntityType et;
if (targetName.Length <= 1) throw new ArgumentException(AEShort);
if (targetName[0] == '#') et = EntityType.Channel;
else if (targetName[0] == '@') et = EntityType.User;
else throw new ArgumentException("Target is not specified to be either a channel or user.");
targetName = targetName.Substring(1);
if (targetName == "_")
if (et == EntityType.Channel) return m.Channel;
else return await m.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();
EntityName ei = new EntityName(targetName, et);
SocketGuild g = ((SocketGuildUser)m.Author).Guild;
if (et == EntityType.Channel)
if (targetName.Length < 2 || targetName.Length > 100)
throw new ArgumentException(AEShort);
foreach (var ch in g.TextChannels)
if (ei.Id.HasValue)
if (ei.Id.Value == ch.Id) return ch;
if (string.Equals(ei.Name, ch.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return ch;
if (ei.Id.HasValue)
// The easy way
return await _client.GetUser(ei.Id.Value).GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();
// The hard way
foreach (var u in g.Users)
if (string.Equals(ei.Name, u.Username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(ei.Name, u.Nickname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return await u.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();
return null;