Noikoio b9b23e5b02 Added VoteTempChannel
This was the product of having worked on it on and off with no clear
schedule or plan. It is structurally... pretty bad. And prone to bugs.

Its core features are known to work. Other features may be added later
as necessary. Don't consider this to be a largely finished module.

This may even be rewritten in the near future, now that I know better
what I want to get out of this.
2018-10-28 11:44:30 -07:00

360 lines
14 KiB

using Discord.Rest;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Npgsql;
using NpgsqlTypes;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Noikoio.RegexBot.Module.VoteTempChannel
/// <summary>
/// Keeps track of existing channels and expiry information. Manages data persistence.
/// </summary>
class ChannelManager : IDisposable
readonly VoteTempChannel _out;
readonly DiscordSocketClient _client;
/// <summary>
/// Key = guild, Value = expiry time, notify flag.
/// Must lock!
/// </summary>
readonly Dictionary<ulong, (DateTimeOffset, bool)> _trackedChannels;
readonly CancellationTokenSource _token;
readonly Task _bgTask;
public ChannelManager(VoteTempChannel module, DiscordSocketClient client)
_out = module;
_client = client;
_token = new CancellationTokenSource();
_bgTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(ChannelExpirationChecker, _token.Token,
TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
_trackedChannels = new Dictionary<ulong, (DateTimeOffset, bool)>();
public void Dispose()
#region Data persistence
private const string PersistTable = "votetemp_persist";
private async Task SetUpPersistenceTableAsync()
using (var db = await RegexBot.Config.GetOpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"create table if not exists {PersistTable} (" +
"guild_id bigint primary key, " +
"expiration_time timestamptz not null" +
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
private async Task<DateTimeOffset?> GetPersistData(ulong guildId)
using (var db = await RegexBot.Config.GetOpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"select expiration_time from {PersistTable} where guild_id = @Gid";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = guildId;
using (var r = await c.ExecuteReaderAsync())
if (await r.ReadAsync()) return r.GetDateTime(0);
return null;
private async Task InsertOrUpdatePersistData(ulong guildId, DateTimeOffset expiration)
using (var db = await RegexBot.Config.GetOpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"delete from {PersistTable} where guild_id = @Gid";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = guildId;
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"insert into {PersistTable} values (@Gid, @Exp)";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = guildId;
c.Parameters.Add("@Exp", NpgsqlDbType.TimestampTZ).Value = expiration;
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
catch (NpgsqlException ex)
// TODO should log this instead of throwing an exception...
throw new ApplicationException("A database error occurred. Internal error message: " + ex.Message);
private async Task DeletePersistData(ulong guildId)
using (var db = await RegexBot.Config.GetOpenDatabaseConnectionAsync())
using (var c = db.CreateCommand())
c.CommandText = $"delete from {PersistTable} where guild_id = @Gid";
c.Parameters.Add("@Gid", NpgsqlDbType.Bigint).Value = guildId;
await c.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
#region Querying
/// <summary>
/// Determines if the given guild has a temporary channel that is up for a renewal vote.
/// </summary>
public bool IsUpForRenewal(SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration info)
DateTimeOffset tcExp;
lock (_trackedChannels)
if (!_trackedChannels.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out var val)) return false;
tcExp = val.Item1;
var renewThreshold = tcExp - info.KeepaliveVoteDuration;
return DateTimeOffset.UtcNow > renewThreshold;
private SocketTextChannel FindTemporaryChannel(SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration conf)
=> System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault(guild.TextChannels, c => c.Name == conf.TempChannelName);
public bool HasExistingTemporaryChannel(SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration info)
return FindTemporaryChannel(guild, info) != null;
#region Channel entry manipulation
/// <summary>
/// Creates the temporary channel.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ApplicationException">
/// Various causes. Send exception message to log and channel if thrown.
/// </exception>
public async Task<RestTextChannel> CreateChannelAndEntryAsync(SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration info)
lock (_trackedChannels)
// Disregard if already in cache. (How did we get here?)
if (_trackedChannels.ContainsKey(guild.Id)) return null;
var channelExpiryTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + info.ChannelBaseDuration;
RestTextChannel newCh = null;
newCh = await guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(info.TempChannelName);
catch (Discord.Net.HttpException ex)
throw new ApplicationException("Failed to create the channel. Internal error message: " + ex.Message);
// Channel creation succeeded. Regardless of persistent state, at least add it to in-memory cache.
lock (_trackedChannels) _trackedChannels.Add(guild.Id, (channelExpiryTime, false));
// Create persistent entry.
await InsertOrUpdatePersistData(guild.Id, channelExpiryTime);
return newCh;
/// <summary>
/// For an existing temporary channel, extends its lifetime by a predetermined amount.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="ApplicationException">
/// SQL. Send exception message to log and channel if thrown.
/// </exception>
public async Task ExtendChannelExpirationAsync(SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration info)
DateTimeOffset newExpiration;
lock (_trackedChannels)
if (!_trackedChannels.ContainsKey(guild.Id)) return; // how did we even get here?
newExpiration = _trackedChannels[guild.Id].Item1;
newExpiration+= info.ChannelExtendDuration;
_trackedChannels[guild.Id] = (newExpiration, false);
await InsertOrUpdatePersistData(guild.Id, newExpiration);
/// <summary>
/// Called when becoming aware of a new guild. Checks and acts on persistence data.
/// </summary>
public async Task RecheckExpiryInformation(SocketGuild guild, GuildConfiguration info)
var ch = FindTemporaryChannel(guild, info);
var persist = await GetPersistData(guild.Id);
if (persist.HasValue)
// Found persistence data and...
if (ch == null)
// ...there is no existing corresponding channel. Delete persistence data.
await DeletePersistData(guild.Id);
// ...the channel exists. Add to in-memory cache.
// Cached persistence should extend to at least 5 minutes if needed.
// Should allow for enough time for users to vote for an extension.
DateTimeOffset toCache;
if ((DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - persist.Value).Duration().TotalMinutes > 5)
toCache = persist.Value;
toCache = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5);
lock (_trackedChannels) { _trackedChannels.Add(guild.Id, (toCache, false)); }
// No persistence data.
if (ch != null)
// But we have a channel. Add new value to cache.
var exp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + info.ChannelBaseDuration;
lock (_trackedChannels) { _trackedChannels.Add(guild.Id, (exp, false)); }
await InsertOrUpdatePersistData(guild.Id, exp);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the given guild's temporary channel as up for immediate expiration.
/// Use this to properly remove a temporary channel.
/// </summary>
public async Task SetChannelEarlyExpiry(SocketGuild guild)
lock (_trackedChannels)
if (!_trackedChannels.ContainsKey(guild.Id)) return; // how did we even get here?
_trackedChannels[guild.Id] = (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, true);
await DeletePersistData(guild.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the given guild from the cache. Does not alter persistence data.
/// </summary>
public void DropCacheEntry(SocketGuild guild)
lock (_trackedChannels) _trackedChannels.Remove(guild.Id);
/// <summary>
/// Background task. Handles channel deletion on expiry.
/// </summary>
private async Task ChannelExpirationChecker()
while (!_token.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
lock (_trackedChannels)
var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var cachePostRemove = new List<ulong>(); // list of items to remove; can't remove while iterating
var cacheWarnSet = new List<ulong>(); // list of items to update the announce flag; can't change while iterating
foreach (var item in _trackedChannels)
var g = _client.GetGuild(item.Key);
if (g == null)
// Cached guild is not known, somehow...
var conf = _out.GetConfig(item.Key);
if (conf == null)
// Cached guild has no config, somehow...
var ch = FindTemporaryChannel(g, conf);
if (ch == null)
// Temporary channel no longer exists.
// Assume it's been deleted early, but do not start a cooldown.
if (now > item.Value.Item1)
// Process channel removal
catch (Discord.Net.HttpException)
// On deletion error, attempt to report the issue. Discard from cache.
ch.SendMessageAsync("Warning: Unable to remove temporary channel. It must now be done manually.");
catch (Discord.Net.HttpException) { }
else if (item.Value.Item2 == false && IsUpForRenewal(ch.Guild, conf))
// Process channel renewal warning
ch.SendMessageAsync("This channel is nearing expiration! Vote to extend it by issuing " +
$"the `{conf.VoteCommand}` command.").Wait();
foreach (var guildId in cachePostRemove)
foreach (var id in cacheWarnSet)
var newdata = (_trackedChannels[id].Item1, true);
_trackedChannels.Add(id, newdata);
try { await Task.Delay(12 * 1000, _token.Token); }
catch (TaskCanceledException) { break; }