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using RegexBot.Common;
namespace RegexBot.Modules.ModCommands.Commands;
class RoleAdd(ModCommands module, JObject config) : RoleManipulation(module, config) {
protected override (string, string) String1 => ("Adds", "to");
protected override string String2 => "set";
protected override async Task ContinueInvoke(SocketGuildUser target, SocketRole role) => await target.AddRoleAsync(role);
class RoleDel(ModCommands module, JObject config) : RoleManipulation(module, config) {
protected override (string, string) String1 => ("Removes", "from");
protected override string String2 => "unset";
protected override async Task ContinueInvoke(SocketGuildUser target, SocketRole role) => await target.RemoveRoleAsync(role);
// Role adding and removing is largely the same, and thus are handled in a single class.
abstract class RoleManipulation : CommandConfig {
private readonly string _usage;
protected EntityName Role { get; }
protected string? SuccessMessage { get; }
protected override string DefaultUsageMsg => _usage;
protected abstract (string, string) String1 { get; }
protected abstract string String2 { get; }
// Configuration:
// "role" - string; The given role that applies to this command.
// "successmsg" - string; Messages to display on command success. Overrides default.
protected RoleManipulation(ModCommands module, JObject config) : base(module, config) {
try {
Role = new EntityName(config[nameof(Role)]?.Value<string>()!, EntityType.Role);
} catch (ArgumentNullException) {
throw new ModuleLoadException($"'{nameof(Role)}' must be provided.");
} catch (FormatException) {
throw new ModuleLoadException($"The value in '{nameof(Role)}' is not a role.");
SuccessMessage = config[nameof(SuccessMessage)]?.Value<string>();
_usage = $"{Command} `user or user ID`\n" +
string.Format("{0} the '{1}' role {2} the specified user.",
String1.Item1, Role.Name ?? Role.Id.ToString(), String1.Item2);
public override async Task Invoke(SocketGuild g, SocketMessage msg) {
// TODO reason in further parameters?
var line = SplitToParams(msg, 3);
string targetstr;
if (line.Length < 2) {
await SendUsageMessageAsync(msg.Channel, null);
targetstr = line[1];
// Retrieve targets
var targetQuery = Module.Bot.EcQueryGuildUser(g.Id, targetstr);
var targetUser = targetQuery != null ? g.GetUser((ulong)targetQuery.UserId) : null;
if (targetUser == null) {
await SendUsageMessageAsync(msg.Channel, TargetNotFound);
var targetRole = Role.FindRoleIn(g, true);
if (targetRole == null) {
await SendUsageMessageAsync(msg.Channel, ":x: **Failed to determine the specified role for this command.**");
// Do the specific thing and report back
await ContinueInvoke(targetUser, targetRole);
const string defaultmsg = ":white_check_mark: Successfully {0} role for **$target**.";
var success = SuccessMessage ?? string.Format(defaultmsg, String2);
success = success.Replace("$target", targetUser.Nickname ?? targetUser.Username);
await msg.Channel.SendMessageAsync(success);
protected abstract Task ContinueInvoke(SocketGuildUser target, SocketRole role);