using NodaTime; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace WorldTime; internal class Commands { #if DEBUG public const string CommandPrefix = "tt."; #else public const string CommandPrefix = "tz."; #endif const string ErrInvalidZone = ":x: Not a valid zone name." + " To find your time zone, refer to: ."; const string ErrTargetUserNotFound = ":x: Unable to find the target user."; const string ErrNoUserCache = ":warning: Please try the command again."; const int MaxSingleLineLength = 750; const int MaxSingleOutputLength = 900; delegate Task Command(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser sender, SocketMessage message); private readonly Dictionary _commands; private readonly Database _database; private readonly WorldTime _instance; private static readonly ReadOnlyDictionary _tzNameMap; private static readonly Regex _userExplicit; private static readonly Regex _userMention; static Commands() { Dictionary tzNameMap = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var name in DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.Ids) tzNameMap.Add(name, name); _tzNameMap = new(tzNameMap); _userExplicit = new Regex(@"(.+)#(\d{4})", RegexOptions.Compiled); _userMention = new Regex(@"\!?(\d+)>", RegexOptions.Compiled); } public Commands(WorldTime inst, Database db) { _instance = inst; _database = db; _commands = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "help", CmdHelp }, { "list", CmdList }, { "set", CmdSet }, { "remove", CmdRemove }, { "setfor", CmdSetFor }, { "removefor", CmdRemoveFor } }; inst.DiscordClient.MessageReceived += CommandDispatch; } private async Task CommandDispatch(SocketMessage message) { if (message.Author.IsBot || message.Author.IsWebhook) return; if (message.Type != MessageType.Default) return; if (message.Channel is not SocketTextChannel channel) return; // not handling DMs var msgsplit = message.Content.Split(' ', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (msgsplit.Length == 0 || msgsplit[0].Length < 4) return; if (msgsplit[0].StartsWith(CommandPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // TODO add support for multiple prefixes? var cmdBase = msgsplit[0][3..]; if (_commands.ContainsKey(cmdBase)) { Program.Log("Command invoked", $"{channel.Guild.Name}/{message.Author} {message.Content}"); try { await _commands[cmdBase](channel, (SocketGuildUser)message.Author, message).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Program.Log("Command invoked", ex.ToString()); } } } } private async Task CmdHelp(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser sender, SocketMessage message) { var version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version!.ToString(3); var guildct = _instance.DiscordClient.Guilds.Count; var uniquetz = await _database.GetDistinctZoneCountAsync(); await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: new EmbedBuilder() { Color = new Color(0xe0f2f7), Title = "Help & About", Description = $"World Time v{version} - Serving {guildct} communities across {uniquetz} time zones.\n\n" + "This bot is provided for free, without any paywalled 'premium' features. " + "If you've found this bot useful, please consider contributing via the " + "bot author's page on Ko-fi:", Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { IconUrl = _instance.DiscordClient.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl(), Text = "World Time" } }.AddField(inline: false, name: "Commands", value: $"`{CommandPrefix}help` - This message.\n" + $"`{CommandPrefix}list` - Displays current times for all recently active known users.\n" + $"`{CommandPrefix}list [user]` - Displays the current time for the given *user*.\n" + $"`{CommandPrefix}set [zone]` - Registers or updates your *zone* with the bot.\n" + $"`{CommandPrefix}remove` - Removes your name from this bot." ).AddField(inline: false, name: "Admin commands", value: $"`{CommandPrefix}setFor [user] [zone]` - Sets the time zone for another user.\n" + $"`{CommandPrefix}removeFor [user]` - Removes another user's information." ).AddField(inline: false, name: "Zones", value: "This bot accepts zone names from the IANA Time Zone Database (a.k.a. Olson Database). " + "A useful tool to determine yours can be found at:" ).Build()); } private async Task CmdList(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser sender, SocketMessage message) { if (!await AreUsersDownloadedAsync(channel.Guild).ConfigureAwait(false)) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(ErrNoUserCache).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var wspl = message.Content.Split(' ', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (wspl.Length == 2) { // Has parameter - do specific user lookup var usersearch = ResolveUserParameter(channel.Guild, wspl[1]); if (usersearch == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Cannot find the specified user.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var result = await _database.GetUserZoneAsync(usersearch).ConfigureAwait(false); if (result == null) { bool isself = sender.Id == usersearch.Id; if (isself) await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You do not have a time zone. Set it with `tz.set`.").ConfigureAwait(false); else await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: The given user does not have a time zone set.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var resulttext = TzPrint(result)[4..] + ": " + FormatName(usersearch); await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: new EmbedBuilder().WithDescription(resulttext).Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { // Does not have parameter - build full list var userlist = await _database.GetGuildZonesAsync(channel.Guild.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); if (userlist.Count == 0) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Nothing to show. " + $"To register time zones with the bot, use the `{CommandPrefix}set` command.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } // Order times by popularity to limit how many are shown, group by printed name var sortedlist = new SortedDictionary>(); foreach ((string area, List users) in userlist.OrderByDescending(o => o.Value.Count).Take(20)) { // Filter further to top 20 distinct timezones, even if they are not displayed in the final result var areaprint = TzPrint(area); if (!sortedlist.ContainsKey(areaprint)) sortedlist.Add(areaprint, new List()); sortedlist[areaprint].AddRange(users); } // Build zone listings with users var outputlines = new List(); foreach ((string area, List users) in sortedlist) { var buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.Append(area[4..] + ": "); bool empty = true; foreach (var userid in users) { var userinstance = channel.Guild.GetUser(userid); if (userinstance == null) continue; if (empty) empty = !empty; else buffer.Append(", "); var useradd = FormatName(userinstance); if (buffer.Length + useradd.Length > MaxSingleLineLength) { buffer.Append("others..."); break; } else buffer.Append(useradd); } if (!empty) outputlines.Add(buffer.ToString()); } // Prepare for output - send buffers out if they become too large outputlines.Sort(); var resultout = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var line in outputlines) { if (resultout.Length + line.Length > MaxSingleOutputLength) { await channel.SendMessageAsync( embed: new EmbedBuilder().WithDescription(resultout.ToString()).Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); resultout.Clear(); } if (resultout.Length > 0) resultout.AppendLine(); // avoids trailing newline by adding to the previous line resultout.Append(line); } if (resultout.Length > 0) { await channel.SendMessageAsync( embed: new EmbedBuilder().WithDescription(resultout.ToString()).Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } private async Task CmdSet(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser sender, SocketMessage message) { var wspl = message.Content.Split(' ', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (wspl.Length == 1) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: Zone parameter is required.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var input = ParseTimeZone(wspl[1]); if (input == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(ErrInvalidZone).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await _database.UpdateUserAsync(sender, input).ConfigureAwait(false); await channel.SendMessageAsync($":white_check_mark: Your time zone has been set to **{input}**.").ConfigureAwait(false); } private async Task CmdSetFor(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser sender, SocketMessage message) { if (!IsUserAdmin(sender)) return; // Parameters: command, target, zone var wspl = message.Content.Split(' ', 3, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (wspl.Length == 1) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You must specify a user to set the time zone for.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (wspl.Length == 2) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You must specify a time zone to apply to the user.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (!await AreUsersDownloadedAsync(channel.Guild).ConfigureAwait(false)) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(ErrNoUserCache).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var targetuser = ResolveUserParameter(channel.Guild, wspl[1]); if (targetuser == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(ErrTargetUserNotFound).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var newtz = ParseTimeZone(wspl[2]); if (newtz == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(ErrInvalidZone).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await _database.UpdateUserAsync(targetuser, newtz).ConfigureAwait(false); await channel.SendMessageAsync($":white_check_mark: Time zone for **{targetuser}** set to **{newtz}**.").ConfigureAwait(false); } private async Task CmdRemove(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser sender, SocketMessage message) { var success = await _database.DeleteUserAsync(sender).ConfigureAwait(false); if (success) await channel.SendMessageAsync(":white_check_mark: Your zone has been removed.").ConfigureAwait(false); else await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You don't have a time zone set."); } private async Task CmdRemoveFor(SocketTextChannel channel, SocketGuildUser sender, SocketMessage message) { if (!IsUserAdmin(sender)) return; // Parameters: command, target var wspl = message.Content.Split(' ', 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (wspl.Length == 1) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You must specify a user for whom to remove time zone data.").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (!await AreUsersDownloadedAsync(channel.Guild).ConfigureAwait(false)) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(ErrNoUserCache).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var targetuser = ResolveUserParameter(channel.Guild, wspl[1]); if (targetuser == null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(ErrTargetUserNotFound).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } await _database.DeleteUserAsync(targetuser).ConfigureAwait(false); await channel.SendMessageAsync($":white_check_mark: Removed zone information for {targetuser}."); } #region Helper methods /// /// Returns a string displaying the current time in the given time zone. /// The result begins with four numbers for sorting purposes. Must be trimmed before output. /// private static string TzPrint(string zone) { var tzdb = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb; DateTimeZone tz = tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(zone)!; if (tz == null) throw new Exception("Encountered unknown time zone: " + zone); var now = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant().InZone(tz); var sortpfx = now.ToString("MMdd", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); var fullstr = now.ToString("dd'-'MMM' 'HH':'mm' 'x' (UTC'o')'", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); return $"{sortpfx}● `{fullstr}`"; } /// /// Checks given time zone input. Returns a valid string for use with NodaTime, or null. /// private static string? ParseTimeZone(string tzinput) { if (tzinput.Equals("Asia/Calcutta", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) tzinput = "Asia/Kolkata"; if (_tzNameMap.TryGetValue(tzinput, out var name)) return name; return null; } /// /// Formats a user's name to a consistent, readable format which makes use of their nickname. /// private static string FormatName(SocketGuildUser user) { static string escapeFormattingCharacters(string input) { var result = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var c in input) { if (c is '\\' or '_' or '~' or '*' or '@') { result.Append('\\'); } result.Append(c); } return result.ToString(); } var username = escapeFormattingCharacters(user.Username); if (user.Nickname != null) { return $"**{escapeFormattingCharacters(user.Nickname)}** ({username}#{user.Discriminator})"; } return $"**{username}**#{user.Discriminator}"; } /// /// Checks if the given user can be considered a guild admin ('Manage Server' is set). /// private static bool IsUserAdmin(SocketGuildUser user) => user.GuildPermissions.Administrator || user.GuildPermissions.ManageGuild; // TODO port modrole feature from BB, implement in here /// /// Given parameter input, attempts to find the corresponding SocketGuildUser. /// private static SocketGuildUser? ResolveUserParameter(SocketGuild guild, string input) { // Try interpreting as ID var match = _userMention.Match(input); string idcheckstr = match.Success ? match.Groups[1].Value : input; if (ulong.TryParse(idcheckstr, out var value)) return guild.GetUser(value); // Prepare if input looks like Username#Discriminator var @explicit = _userExplicit.Match(input); foreach (var user in guild.Users) { // Explicit match search if (@explicit.Success) { var username = @explicit.Groups[1].Value; var discriminator = @explicit.Groups[2].Value; if (string.Equals(user.Username, username, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && user.Discriminator == discriminator) return user; } // Nickname search if (user.Nickname != null && string.Equals(user.Nickname, input, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return user; // Username search if (string.Equals(user.Username, input, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return user; } return null; } /// /// Checks if the member cache for the specified guild needs to be filled, and sends a request if needed. /// /// /// Due to a quirk in Discord.Net, the user cache cannot be filled until the command handler is no longer executing, /// regardless of if the request runs on its own thread. /// /// /// True if the guild's members are already downloaded. If false, the command handler must notify the user. /// private static async Task AreUsersDownloadedAsync(SocketGuild guild) { if (HasMostMembersDownloaded(guild)) return true; else { // Event handler hangs if awaited normally or used with Task.Run await Task.Factory.StartNew(guild.DownloadUsersAsync).ConfigureAwait(false); return false; } } /// /// An alternative to . /// Returns true if *most* members have been downloaded. /// Used as a workaround check due to Discord.Net occasionally unable to actually download all members. /// /// Copied directly from BirthdayBot. Try to coordinate changes between projects... private static bool HasMostMembersDownloaded(SocketGuild guild) { if (guild.HasAllMembers) return true; if (guild.MemberCount > 30) { // For guilds of size over 30, require 85% or more of the members to be known // (26/30, 42/50, 255/300, etc) return guild.DownloadedMemberCount>= (int)(guild.MemberCount * 0.85); } else { // For smaller guilds, fail if two or more members are missing return guild.MemberCount - guild.DownloadedMemberCount <= 2; } } #endregion }