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global using Discord;
global using Discord.WebSocket;
using BirthdayBot.BackgroundServices;
using BirthdayBot.UserInterface;
using System.Text;
using static BirthdayBot.UserInterface.CommandsCommon;
namespace BirthdayBot;
/// <summary>
/// More or less the main class for the program. Handles individual shards and provides frequent
/// status reports regarding the overall health of the application.
/// </summary>
class ShardManager : IDisposable {
/// <summary>
/// Number of seconds between each time the status task runs, in seconds.
/// </summary>
private const int StatusInterval = 60;
/// <summary>
/// Number of shards allowed to be destroyed before the program may close itself, if configured.
/// </summary>
private const int MaxDestroyedShards = 10; // TODO make configurable
/// <summary>
/// Number of concurrent shard startups to happen on each check.
/// This value is also used in <see cref="DataRetention"/>.
/// </summary>
public const int MaxConcurrentOperations = 4;
/// <summary>
/// Amount of time without a completed background service run before a shard instance
/// is considered "dead" and tasked to be removed. A fraction of this value is also used
/// to determine when a shard is "slow".
/// </summary>
private static readonly TimeSpan DeadShardThreshold = new(0, 20, 0);
/// <summary>
/// A dictionary with shard IDs as its keys and shard instances as its values.
/// When initialized, all keys will be created as configured. If an instance is removed,
/// a key's corresponding value will temporarily become null instead of the key/value
/// pair being removed.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<int, ShardInstance?> _shards;
private readonly Dictionary<string, CommandHandler> _dispatchCommands;
private readonly UserCommands _cmdsUser;
private readonly ListingCommands _cmdsListing;
private readonly HelpInfoCommands _cmdsHelp;
private readonly ManagerCommands _cmdsMods;
private readonly Task _statusTask;
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _mainCancel;
private int _destroyedShards = 0;
internal Configuration Config { get; }
public ShardManager(Configuration cfg) {
var ver = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
Log($"Birthday Bot v{ver!.ToString(3)} is starting...");
Config = cfg;
// Command handler setup
_dispatchCommands = new Dictionary<string, CommandHandler>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
_cmdsUser = new UserCommands(cfg);
foreach (var item in _cmdsUser.Commands) _dispatchCommands.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2);
_cmdsListing = new ListingCommands(cfg);
foreach (var item in _cmdsListing.Commands) _dispatchCommands.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2);
_cmdsHelp = new HelpInfoCommands(cfg);
foreach (var item in _cmdsHelp.Commands) _dispatchCommands.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2);
_cmdsMods = new ManagerCommands(cfg, _cmdsUser.Commands);
foreach (var item in _cmdsMods.Commands) _dispatchCommands.Add(item.Item1, item.Item2);
// Allocate shards based on configuration
_shards = new Dictionary<int, ShardInstance?>();
for (int i = Config.ShardStart; i < (Config.ShardStart + Config.ShardAmount); i++) {
_shards.Add(i, null);
// Start status reporting thread
_mainCancel = new CancellationTokenSource();
_statusTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(StatusLoop, _mainCancel.Token,
TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);
public void Dispose() {
if (!_statusTask.IsCompleted)
Log("Warning: Main thread did not cleanly finish up in time. Continuing...");
Log("Shutting down all shards...");
var shardDisposes = new List<Task>();
foreach (var item in _shards) {
if (item.Value == null) continue;
if (!Task.WhenAll(shardDisposes).Wait(30000)) {
Log("Warning: Not all shards terminated cleanly after 30 seconds. Continuing...");
Log($"Uptime: {Program.BotUptime}");
private void Log(string message) => Program.Log(nameof(ShardManager), message);
/// <summary>
/// Creates and sets up a new shard instance.
/// </summary>
private async Task<ShardInstance> InitializeShard(int shardId) {
ShardInstance newInstance;
var clientConf = new DiscordSocketConfig() {
ShardId = shardId,
TotalShards = Config.ShardTotal,
LogLevel = LogSeverity.Info,
DefaultRetryMode = RetryMode.RetryRatelimit,
MessageCacheSize = 0, // not needed at all
GatewayIntents = GatewayIntents.Guilds | GatewayIntents.GuildMembers | GatewayIntents.GuildMessages
var newClient = new DiscordSocketClient(clientConf);
newInstance = new ShardInstance(this, newClient, _dispatchCommands);
await newInstance.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
return newInstance;
#region Status checking and display
private struct GuildStatusData {
public int GuildCount;
public TimeSpan LastTaskRunTime;
public string? ExecutingTask;
private string StatusDisplay(IEnumerable<int> guildList, Dictionary<int, GuildStatusData> guildInfo, bool showDetail) {
if (!guildList.Any()) return "--";
var result = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in guildList) {
result.Append(item.ToString("00") + " ");
if (showDetail) {
result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);
if (guildInfo[item].ExecutingTask != null)
result.Append($" {guildInfo[item].ExecutingTask}");
result.Append("] ");
if (result.Length > 0) result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);
return result.ToString();
private async Task StatusLoop() {
try {
while (!_mainCancel.IsCancellationRequested) {
Log($"Bot uptime: {Program.BotUptime}");
// Iterate through shard list, extract data
var guildInfo = new Dictionary<int, GuildStatusData>();
var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var nullShards = new List<int>();
foreach (var item in _shards) {
if (item.Value == null) {
var shard = item.Value;
guildInfo[item.Key] = new GuildStatusData {
GuildCount = shard.DiscordClient.Guilds.Count,
LastTaskRunTime = now - shard.LastBackgroundRun,
ExecutingTask = shard.CurrentExecutingService
// Process info
var guildCounts = guildInfo.Select(i => i.Value.GuildCount);
var guildTotal = guildCounts.Sum();
var guildAverage = guildCounts.Any() ? guildCounts.Average() : 0;
Log($"Currently in {guildTotal} guilds. Average shard load: {guildAverage:0.0}.");
// Health report
var goodShards = new List<int>();
var badShards = new List<int>(); // shards with low connection score OR long time since last work
var deadShards = new List<int>(); // shards to destroy and reinitialize
foreach (var item in guildInfo) {
var lastRun = item.Value.LastTaskRunTime;
if (lastRun > DeadShardThreshold / 3) {
// Consider a shard dead after a long span without background activity
if (lastRun > DeadShardThreshold)
} else {
Log("Online: " + StatusDisplay(goodShards, guildInfo, false));
if (badShards.Count > 0) Log("Slow: " + StatusDisplay(badShards, guildInfo, true));
if (deadShards.Count > 0) Log("Dead: " + StatusDisplay(deadShards, guildInfo, false));
if (nullShards.Count > 0) Log("Offline: " + StatusDisplay(nullShards, guildInfo, false));
// Remove dead shards
foreach (var dead in deadShards) {
_shards[dead] = null;
if (Config.QuitOnFails && _destroyedShards > MaxDestroyedShards) {
Environment.ExitCode = (int)Program.ExitCodes.DeadShardThreshold;
} else {
// Start up any missing shards
int startAllowance = MaxConcurrentOperations;
foreach (var id in nullShards) {
// To avoid possible issues with resources strained over so many shards starting at once,
// initialization is spread out by only starting a few at a time.
if (startAllowance-- > 0) {
_shards[id] = await InitializeShard(id).ConfigureAwait(false);
} else break;
await Task.Delay(StatusInterval * 1000, _mainCancel.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);
} catch (TaskCanceledException) { }